Embarrasing !

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"Ok everyone lets get real.
I've got some embarrassing stories to tell."

(background music : Tiptoes by Jayme Dee

"If you don't know one thing about me, I Ariana Grande- Butera am clumsy I truly am. So today I will share two embarrassing clumsy stories. "

"The first one I have is really embarrassing and its when I had a crush one this guy and i was walking down the hallway in my flipflops and as i was walking past the water fountain i sliped in a big pool of water on the floor. when i was on the floor i looked up and saw my crush staring at me. embarrassed and in shock all i could say was i fell...laughing he said i see that and then walked away.And I got this big puddle on my back side my butt and my back was wet. Then I had to the nurse and get changed into dry clothes. I was late to my next class and um yea after that I still laugh about it with Frankie.

Ok so another one is when I was a little more younger in 5th grade and I remembered I was skipping around my classroom and I was coming close to this rug and I went over it and tripped . Part of DANG rug was lifted off. This guy in my class came over to me dieing of laughter I was embarrassed. But on the bright side he's helped me fix the rug or and I gave myself a rug burn to complete the whole story. "

"Sorry thank you so much for watching our channel Indie's Hipster. This Is Ariana and I'm pressing the recording button."

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