Chapter Two

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Lessons were cut short that day, much to Elizabeth's dismay. She was enjoying her second favourite class, Defence Against the Dark Arts, when Professor Moody dismissed them half an hour early, shooing them to their common rooms to put their books away. Elizabeth was neither grateful nor annoyed, she was happy to be out of classes, but she had just begun to master Aqua Eructo. As easily as the spell came to her, she wished she had more time to bank it in her memory.

"Elizabeth, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Padma yelled at her. They were walking up the twisting and turning staircase that led to the Ravenclaw common room to put their books away, and apparently Padma didn't like them just walking there.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Elizabeth yelled back, starting to run, passing her friend as she did so. Padma began running, trailing a bit behind her. Elizabeth stopped in front of the dark, wooden door.

Padma stopped behind her and nodded for Elizabeth to be the one to grab the door's golden, eagle shaped handle. Elizabeth glared, to which Padma shrugged, "I opened it yesterday."

Elizabeth gripped the handle and knocked three times. An eerily deep voice came from the handle, it's voice as clear as day. "Under pressure is the only way I work and by myself is the only way I'm hurt. What am I?"

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, replaying the riddle in her head. After what seemed to be a long time of thinking it over (when in reality it was only a few seconds), she replied confidently, "A diamond."

The door swung open and Elizabeth grinned, rather proud of herself. She turned, still grinning, and gestured for Padma to go first. Padma mumbled something along the lines of "know-it-all" to which Elizabeth grinned wider. Elizabeth entered the common room after Padma and took in a deep breath of the air. It always smelt slightly of new books with a hint of cinnamon, her favourite mixture of smells. The wide, circular room had the softest midnight blue carpet that Elizabeth missed making carpet angels on (it's like snow angels but on carpet).

"Are you looking for Nargles?" Luna asked in her dreamy tone from somewhere in the room. Elizabeth glanced around the room to find Luna reading a book sitting upside down on one of the couches, her feet swinging slightly in the air as her head hangs from the couch.

"Luna, what are you doing?" Elizabeth laughed.

"Reading George Linen's new book about the average day of Nargles," Luna answered.

"C'mon Luna, we have to be in front of the castle in a few minutes." Padma said. She turned and nodded to Elizabeth, "Let's go put our books in our dorm."

Elizabeth followed Padma to the edge of the room where the gigantic marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw stood. There were two doors, one on either side of her. They entered the door to the left and wandered down the wide hallway to their door. Elizabeth smiled when she saw the handwritten sign they had made during their first year. They had used glitter pens and markers to make it look as fancy as possible. But with their eleven year old art talent, let's just say that they probably should've thrown the sign out a long time ago.

Elizabeth dropped her books on her bookshelf that was stood tall behind her bed. She grabbed a hair tie from her night stand and quickly wrapped her hair in a medium-height ponytail.

"All good to go?" Elizabeth called over to Padma, who was drastically trying to fit her school books somewhere in between her night reading books and her free time reading books.

"Almost..." Padma said. She shoved her last text book between two books, a little bit too hard, causing the bookshelf to shake slightly. The bookshelf dropped three books from the top shelf and Padma sighed. "Let's go."

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