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Adhisha's POV

I glanced at the mirror and adjusted the misplaced pleats of my blood-red saree. The bruises on my body were fully on display with the thin strapless, almost bra-sized blouse. I realized I had begun to look ugly, yet for him, I am always beautiful.

It's been more than 10 days since I gave up and accepted him, for the first time not being selfish and thinking about the people who actually love me.

What changed?

So much, except Kalp Trivedi, and I hadn't even expected it.

My self-respect was crushed under the weight of my decision. Finally, he won, and I lost.

I still wonder how I made this decision, but whatever it is, I am learning to live with it. Maybe I will die trying, but it's enough now.

I ended my war against Kalp Trivedi and now hope nothing for myself, except a peaceful death.

"Mam, should I help you?" a maid behind me asked and I nodded, knowing I would mess up with my broken wrist.

She came forward and adjusted the pleats of my saree while I stared into my empty eyes.

I am still unable to hear through my right ear, and maybe it's permanently damaged now. Though it's not making much difference, what would I have even done by being healthy?

My jaw is fine now, but the occasional cracking sound and unbearable pain causes me to close myself in the bathroom and cry hard over my situation.

No, I don't pity myself anymore. I just try to feel the pain of the people who lost their lives because of me, or those who lost their loved ones cause of my rebelliousness.

"It's done, Mam," she said, and I took long breaths, calming myself.

She backed away, and I filled my eyes with kohl, placed a small red bindi between my eyebrows, wore an extremely tiny nose ring in my nose piercing, and put red bangles on my wrists.

My eyes fell on the nuptial chain and vermillion on the dressing table. I controlled my overpowering emotions, my heart clutched, but I did what a married woman should do. Still, it took a lot out of me to apply that red powder through my hairline. Probably another silent death of a part within me.

I stared at my reflection and something stirred deep in my soul, A perfect married woman stared at me.

Her eyes broken, less of hope yet a last  wish thriving there to punish the culprit, who birthed this day in her life, but having no hopes of surviving with just a 0.1% determination that will vanish at the end of this night, when I will be again in his arms and he deep within me.

I just wanted to ask, why doesn't God have a little mercy on my soul? Probably, he doesn't care about burdens.

I sighed, and heard the maid's voice behind me, that was filled with a hesitancy.

"You are looking absolutely stunning, Madam."

I wanted to laugh at her words but sighed and just nodded with a simple smile. I never appreciated smaller happiness in my life, in the greed of bigger ones, and now I have nothing.

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now