Chapter - 4 My job isn't as important as You!

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~Time skip~

2 weeks later, furina has been not going to court as the God of justice or doing her job at the hydro archon, she just stays with Y/N for almost every single day and every single second, she's became so clingy and jealous that she doesn't even let him go out alone

You are sitting in the couch with furina next to you as you both hear a knock on the door

"I'll go open"

"No stay here Y/N I'll open it"

Furina walked towards the door and opened it she was surprised to see neuvillette there

"Neuvi? What do you want?"

He looked at her and said in his sinister tone as usual

"Lady furina, the court needs you it's been a while since you've been there and the court charged are increasing we need you there ASAP"

She looked at him and rolled her eyes didn't seem to be caring about the court at all

"Oh no thank you I'm not going to the court it's very boring there id rather spend my time with Y/N he keeps me entertained.. And happy.. "

You could hear them talking and were surprised to see furina choosing you over her duties as an archon

"But lady furina the fontaine city needs you, everyone wants to have you there, you are the hydro archon you need to do ur job"

She again just rolled her eyes not caring about the citizens of fontaine and a little hurt by how they treated her in the past and now need her

"Hmph i don't care. "

She than slammed the door on his face and walked back towards the couch and sat next to you cuddling

Neuvillette stood outside the closed door as he sighed and started walking back to the court

"She'll never do her duties again would she.. I need to get rid of this Y/N.."

You wanted to ask furina why she chosen you over her archon duties

"Hey furi.. Why did you chose me over ur archon duties?"

She looked at you in the face with a nice bright smile as she putted one finger on her your chin

"Because you are more valuable to me than them.. They never made me feel happy or never entertained me.. I tried my best but I was never enough.. But you.. Made me feel like I was enough and made me feel happy that's why"

You could feel ur heart burst as she confessed her feelings almost but she didn't say anything about love so you still didn't make the first move

"Well.. That's that.. What can we do.. I get it.. My people also used to hate me"

She looked at you again with a sad smile as she looked really sad for you and than hugged you very tightly burying her face in ur chest and snuggling

"Everything is okay.. Y/N they didn't deserve you.. "

As you hugged her back and felt her warmth you felt genuine happiness.. And a very different feeling.. Feeling of love

(I'm doing this shi at 5:15 Am and haven't slept for 2 days send help :( )

2 days later

Paimon and Aether are roaming around the city of fontaine as they see neuvillette really worried standing outside the court

Paimon asked neuvillette why he's this worried

"Hey big man! Paimon is wondering why ur this worried"

Aether just standing there nodded as paimon said

He replied

"Well the thing is.. Lady furina has been spending alot of time lately with Y/N and has been very attached to him and she doesn't wanna do her duties anymore and just wanna stay with him.. I don't know what to do.. "

Paimon than put one finger on her chin and started wondering what's going on as Aether said

"Let Lady furina enjoy? I mean she's quite the lonely usually atleast she have someone now and plus.. Maybe they've fallen in love who knows.. I guess me and paimon have to investigate we'll help you!"

Paimon nodded to Aethers suggestion as she looked at neuvillette and said

"Exactly that big man!"

Neuvillette looked at them and nodded as he gave them the permission to do this mission

Some time later, when you and furina were just doing some cleaning of the house you both heard a knock, furina opened the door

"Oh hey Aether and Paimon what's up?"

Aether looked at furina and than at you as paimon started her usually yapping

"Well Lady furina! We've gotten a quest and we'll have to meet a certain old fellow of Us in the jungle! And i wanted to invite you and Y/N to it because it will be fun!"

Furina looked at them and than looked at you as she put one finger on her chin wondering something

"Well I'm ready to go.. But i dont know about Y/N and I'll not go without him"

"I'm ready to go"

As you said that furina looked really excited and started jumping up and down

"So when are we going!"

"Right now!"

Paimon said as all of you stepped outside the house and started going towards where the certain old fellow would be

In the middle of the , furina, you, Aether and paimon met zhongli as he was standing there

"Hi there, oh I see you guys bought furina.. And.. Who's this.. "

You looked at him and started remembering him but than forgot again as you said

"I'm Y/N nice to meet you Mr... Zhongli"

Everyone else standing looked at you suddenly in confusion wondering how you know zhongli

"How do you know zhongli?!"

Paimon asked looking at you with confusion as the other nodded

"I don't know.. He just looks familiar to someone from my past.. "

As you said that zhongli also put on hand on his chin as he looked at you and started remembering you too

"When I think about it.. Y/ sound really familiar.. And that face.. Reminds me of an certain old fellow.. Too.. "

Furina looked at both of you back and fourth as she said

"Hol up! You knew zhongli all this time and didn't told me Y/N! Now I'm angry!"

She said playfully as she started mumbling some stuff trying to look offended but looking cute instead

"Furina I can see through you easily stop the act.. And I don't know.. But he just reminds me of.. Someone.. "

Everyone than went quiet again as awkward silence fell in the moment nobody knowing what to do Or what to say until suddenly a random girl popped from behind of zhongli wearing black and red clothes with long hair wearing a black hat

"Hey zhongli! I told you not go without me, you know how much time it took for me to follow"

Zhongli looked at her and sighed

"Hu tao.. I told you not to follow me.. "

"B-but I wanted to!"

You looked at hu tao and than at furina as you wondered they're quite similar in nature

"Look furi, your long lost sister"

Furina looked at you and muttered up her cheeks and looked away

"Hmph! She is not my sister"

Meanwhile Aether and paimon are still not processing over how you know zhongli and hu tao is just irritating zhongli

To be continued

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