Part 2

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I got a panic attack from Nolans question but then Tim asked if i was okay and it suddenly got worse so i ran into the lockerroom. ''Lucy wait up.'' Tim said softly. ''I am okay Tim dont worry.'' I said lying about every word but i couldn't just tell Tim the real reason i moved here then he will surely think i am messed up and broken. I just need him to walk away but i dont think he will walk away that easy. ''Lucy whats wrong'' Tim said while i sat down on a bench in the lockerroom. ''Tim i already told you i.. i ...i..'' i tried to speak while the panic attack got worse and worse i couldnt tell him why i transferred even sargent grey doesnt know so how would i tell Tim. ''Hey Lucy i need you to take a deep breath in 1....2.....3...... and out.'' Tim said but it didnt work so Tim took me in for a hug and he hugged me so tight i could hear his heartbeat it really calmed me. ''What happend why did you have a panic attack Lucy?'' Tim asked i could hear he was really worried about me. ''Nothing its nothing i am fine.'' I lied i lied to Tim the guy who just pulled me through one of my panic attacks. ''Dont lie to me Lucy please tell me whats wrong.'' Tim said kinda mad/worried. ''Tim its nothing i am fine'' I said kinda scared. ''Okay but you cant have those during calls Lucy.'' Tim said really worried. ''I promise Tim i am fine you dont need to worry'' I said trying not to cry because i could tell that Tim really cares for me.


I really care about Lucy i actually think i am in love with her. ''Okay Lucy if you say so'' I said knowing that she isnt okay it hurts me that something is giving her panic attacks but at least she knows now someone is here for her right? ''Are you okay to go out on shift Lucy?'' i asked you could hear in my voice that i was worried. I just care so much about Lucy. ''Yes lets get out on the streets!'' Lucy said, like non of this happend like she just flipped a switch something is not right about this whole panic attack thing. ''Okay'' I said not knowing what to do or say. 


Tim and Lucy went on patrol so far everything went well they had a pretty quiet day not really big calls so they went to lunch. ''What are you getting?'' Tim asked Lucy. ''Mhm i dont know i think i am getting a Caesar salad!'' Lucy said because she loved that in NYC so much it really gave her some flashbacks. ''You good Lucy?'' Tim asked worried out of his mind because Lucy was like really zoned out. ''Yes Tim i am good lets go sit at a table somewhere.'' Lucy said with not much emotions. ''Yeah okay lets go sit with Angela and Nyla they are the best detectives and they are really kind too though.'' Tim said with much excitement. ''Uhm you sure what if they dont want me to sit with you guys.'' Lucy said she was feeling so insecure about everything she also didnt know why she felt that way. ''Hey Tim and Lucy come sit with us before lunch time is over!'' Angela said with much excitement she was curious about how work in NYC was. ''See Lucy its okay so are you coming or not?'' Tim asked in a caring way because he knew that something wasnt okay but he let it go for now. ''Yes i am coming!" Lucy said while she was faking her excitement she knew someone was going to ask about NYC what would she say should she lie she didnt know what to do. While Tim and Lucy said down Angela started to ask some questions. ''So Lucy how was working in NYPD?'' Angela asked. 


Oh no she asked how it was in NYDP what do i say what could i say. I was so worried i had to tell the story but i just came up with an lie just in time. ''It was so cool!'' I said fast. ''Okay but like was it more busy than LAPD?'' Angela asked because she really wanted to know. ''Mhm yeah it was really busy but i mostly did some UC cases.'' I said not thinking about what i just said. ''Omg you did UC cases you need to do 1 or 2 here i want to see you in a UC case!!'' Angela said excited. ''I uhm i no i wont do one sorry not now i am sorry but officer Bradford i think we need to get back on the streets.'' I said i just didnt want to talk about it anymore for now. ''Yeah sure lets go.'' Tim said knowing Lucy wasnt comfortable so he just did what she said. Tim and Lucy went to the shop and got back on the streets. ''You okay Lucy?'' Tim asked concerned. ''I am fine dont worry!'' I said while giving Tim a smile. ''Okay if you say so.'' Tim said not believing a single thing i just said. The rest of the day was a litlle bit awkward. 


After shift Tim went to Lucys appartment just to talk to her. Tim knocked on Lucys door. ''Im coming!'' Lucy said. Lucy opened her door and saw Tim standing there. ''H-h hey Tim what are you doing here?'' Lucy asked but she had a little shake in her voice. ''Hey Lucy i just came to talk about something.'' Tim said with a soft kind tone. ''Okay whats going on?'' Lucy asked but she was scared that Tim will ask questions. ''Lucy are you okay?'' Tim asked. ''Yeah no need to worry i am okay Tim!'' Lucy said but she was lying she wanted to tell Tim what is going on but she was to scared. ''Dont lie to me Luce i dont know you that long but i know that you are not okay come on talk to me.'' Tim said he sounded even more worried. ''Okay okay i will tell you.'' Lucy said.

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