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March 23 2023

Trevon was at Erykah helping her get ready for her doctors appointment

Trevon - you ready pumpkin

Erykah - I just need my crocs. I don't remember where I put them

Trevon - I can help you look for them

Once he found it he put them on for her

Erykah - can I put them on myself

Trevon- I know but my baby is injured

He gave her a kiss. He helped her get inside the car and they drove to the hospital

Dr Coleman - how you doing chef

Erykah - in pain

Dr Coleman - I can see that the meds not working

Erykah - they help when I need to go sleep but during the day no

Dr Coleman - we are going to have an ultrasound to see if there's a clot in your leg. To see if it's the cause of the swelling

Erykah - okay

Dr Coleman- the nurses will prep you and they are big fans of you as well

Erykah - oh okay

She chuckled a bit. Whiles she was waiting in the nurse the pain became to much that she pressed the button
Trevon has never seen her in this much pain.

Nurse - what's the problem

Trevon - she's in so much pain

Nurse - we are going to up her doses on morphine and get a rush on that ultra sound as well.

Erykah - I know nurses are understaffed but this shit hurts. 

Once she was able to get her ultrasound they found out that she also has a blood clot

Dr Coleman - Miss Bentley you also have a blood clot in your leg so I'll prescribe you to some blood thinners

Erykah - okay. When do you think the swell is gonna

Dr Coleman - a week or two

Erykah - thank you

Trevon for a call from the PI

PI - hey are you at St John's hospital

Trevon - yeah why

PI - he's there with you

Trevon - what do you mean

PI - he's been following her for the last few days. He knew where she lived already.

Trevon - thank you.

He took her home and called her brothers.

Chris - hey is she okay

Trevon - yeah she is but she doesn't know that she has a stalker.

Austin - is it prince combs

Trevon - yeah the PI said that he's been following her. He followed us to the hospital he's been watching for a while and she doesn't know.

Chris - she doesn't need to know.

Erykah - who doesn't need to know. Don't try and hide anything because I will find out.

Austin - you have a stalker

Erykah - what

Austin - diddys son

Erykah was confused

Erykah - why?

Trevon - cause he always liked you.

She was stunned.

Trevon - and I think he's walking you outside now.

Erykah - what we going to do

Chris - you sissy don't worry about it.

Erykah - how can I not worry I have a stalker.

Trevon - my mom can stay with you while's I'm not here if that's okay she loves you

Erykah - she can stay anytime

Trevon - okay I don't want to leave you by yourself let me call her. I don't want anything to happen to you.

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