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The boy, dressed in black and violet clothing, walked through the halls with a lantern in his hands. His footsteps made no sound as he moved slowly.

Suddenly, the cries of birds could be heard in the forest, causing a chilling sensation to run down the spines of those who heard it. The birds flew away as if they had witnessed something terrifying.

Coming to a stop, the boy sighed and gazed at the night sky. The sky was clear, the moon shining brightly and adorned with stars, creating a breathtaking sight that could rival the magnificence of the sun in daylight.

However, the boy saw something different in his eyes. While others marveled at the beauty, he saw only darkness - a deep red and black void that swallowed every light it touched. In that darkness hung a blood-red moon, an ominous sign accompanied by the cries of crows and dark green fires spreading on the ground, engulfing life mercilessly.

As he pondered the terrifying scene, a gentle bell rang, bringing him back to reality. The boy looked down and saw the bell gently ringing, enveloped in white light. He held the bell in his hand, allowing himself to be enveloped in its purifying glow.

The lantern's fire went out with a gust of wind, and the boy's breathing calmed as he opened his eyes and observed the sky returning to normal. With a sigh of relief, he relit the lantern and continued walking. Before moving on, he cast a glance at the moon and thought to himself, 'It's starting.'


A/N : Mc face is like in the photo but in a bun and big bangs that hid his other face.

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