The first sight

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"Alright were here no turning back Drizzy" Nicki says getting out of the car.
"Are you sure this a good idea?  Would caseoh know we didn't show up?  I don't know if I can face Kendrick" Drake responds.
"You'll be fine I'll keep my eye out for him so you don't have to cross his path" Nicki says to comfort him.
"Alright.  No more mister nice guy.  Let's do this!"  Drake yelps as hopps out of the car with confidence.
   When they got past the door they could see so many celebrities, Lin Manuel Miranda, The wild krat brothers, Ian hawke, and so many more.  It was kinda intimidating to see so many high class people.  At least they will be good to hide Drake from Kendrick. 
   Nicki drifted away from Drake trying to find "sexy caseoh" so Drizzy Drake was left alone.  He soon found Brendon Urie climbing through the ceiling to get in.  Guess he wasn't invited.
"Uh hey what you doing up there bro?" Drake yells up to him.
"Nothing don't mind me, just go on your way." He yells back.
Drake thought this was weird so he continued to walk forward.  He found Sexyy Red to talk to, he was glad to find someone to hide away with.  His hands were sweaty and shaking from anxiety about the thought of staring in Kendrick's eyes.  But was it really anxiety?  No.  It was a forbidden feeling of love. 

"Alright ready bro?" Kai asks
"Yup let's go, I'm ready for anything."  Kendrick proudly says back.
When they get into the party they quickly party ways.  Kendrick goes to find the king Ian hawke, he needed advice and that's the only person he thought could help.
"Hey bro I need advice from the master" he says to Ian.
"What is up my dude? what do you need help with?" Ian giddily says.
"So you know my current beef with Drake... well he's here tonight.  If I'm going to be completely honest... I don't want to fight with him anymore.  I honestly have just been responding for fun.  But now it's too serious.  I fear I may have ruined any relationship with him." Kendrick confesses.
"Woah.  That's a lot.  My advice is to be honest with yourself and with him.  See how he feels.  No relationship is fully broken.  Just make sure you stay true to yourself and don't suppress your feelings because of the public's view on you." Wise king Ian says to Kendrick.
"W-w-woah. T-t-thank you so much, you are truly the wises man." Kendrick says.
Meanwhile Kai Cenat goes to find Tyla.  He is hoping that he could change his relationship with her.  After their past interaction where he got friend zoned he has been hoping to change her mind.
"Hey! Shawty would you like to go out to dinner?" He blurts out at her.
"But we friends tho..." she slowly responds.
Kai has been embarrassed once again.  He hides in the bathroom for the rest of the night out of embarrassment. When he heard the dj play water "make me sweat, make me water" he started to tear up.
Nicki finally finds caseoh and starts talking to him.
"Hey case! Thanks so much for inviting me here." Nicki says.
"Oh yeah im glad your here!" ginger fisherman Caseoh says ehile blushing.
The whole night they spend together.  Nicki totally forgets her promise to Drake about watching out fof Kendrick.  Kai is gone as well after the Tyla incident.  Both Kendricks and Drakes friends left them. 
Then suddenly,  they both turn around.  Face to face with eachother...

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