Episode 1/2

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Aiden was getting ready for bed when his tablet started to buzz, it was Amelia! He grabbed the tablet and picked up

Amelia: AIDY!!!!!

Aiden: hi melly

Amelia: so how were your first few days? You make any new friends? Come back home with me! I miss you

Aiden: I miss you to, so far camp has been kinda, lonely

Amelia: ooh, that bad huh, if I was there, I would be your number 1 friend, siblings are worth fighting for you know

Aiden: hehe, thanks

Amelia: so have you made any friends, maybe a certain TikToker starting with a J

Aiden blushed in response

Aiden: maybe, I'm not sure

Amelia: what do you mean?

Aiden: has Ep 2 come out yet?

Amelia: not yet

Aiden: well to summarize, James asked me to ask Karol what she was thinking and she said she would vote for one of the girls, when I told James, he immediately told the girls and wrecked our potential alliance with Karol WITHOUT MY OPINION

Amelia: wow, he's one of those people, if I were you, I would try to talk to him, try to clear things up

Aiden: would he listen though?

Amelia: I don't know, only one way to find out

Aiden: thanks melly


Aiden: mom's back?

Amelia: yep, I'll handle this, love ya aidy

Aiden: bye melly 

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