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It was a brisk autumn night, the bone chilling wind howled relentlessly outside the manor. The mansion left untouched for nearly half a century, each room, each hallway left to it's former glory just as its original owner had left it. Serenity *insert some fancy last name idk*, the new lady of the house, occupied the study, her crimson gaze stoic as she stared into the garden. It was vacant, the white roses that brought a subtle elegance and beauty to the now barren field was no longer in sight, butchered by the unforgiving cold of London's approaching winter. Serrnity sighed, she returned her attention back to her surrounding area, the sound of the burning wood in the mantle of her fireplace filled her ears, the shadows from the flames danced across the floor in a rhythmless harmony underneath the moonlight that peeked through the window behind the mahogany desk and chair. She closed her eyes, breathing in before glancing over at the paperwork piled in front of her in mountainous proportions.

"Milady, honestly, could you have at least made an effort to tend to your daily duties?" A disheveledly handsome butler asked as he walked through the massive doorway, his dark auburn locks fell to his shoulders in tousled waves, he had a face graced with light stubble due to disregarding any shaving routine for the past few days and cerulean blue eyes that were staring straight at his mistress.
"No" she simply stated as she looked up at her butler, propping her head on her knuckles out of boredom. "Besides, it's mainly all from dear old Uncle Benjamin asking me for more money, as if robbing my parents of thousands wasn't enough" Winter scoffed at the thought and slowly rose from her seat. "Daniel, you may retire until I call for you, I need some peace and quite for the time being" she waved him off, making her way past him. Padding her way down the dimly lit hallway, the sound of her footsteps faintly followed her as she walked along the dark chestnut carpet. Winter made her way to the library, her favorite place to shelter herself when she was in need of serenity for obvious reasons. At random, Winter grabbed a book with her perfectly manicured hand, fit for a lady of nobility who opted to avoid the restriction of gloves and sat down upon the velvet felt love seat and began to read the selected item. Unfortunately, Winters state of tranquility was abruptly interrupted when her wolves that doubled as her companions as well as hounds that guarded the manor, ferociously snarled and growled racing their way down the corridor, alerting her of a present danger. Winter slammed her book shut, annoyance clearly gleamed in her metallic eyes as she threw the hard covered book to the side. 'So much for that' she thought while she stood, inhaling deeply before heading off to deal with the issue at hand.

Winter made her way to the top of the staircase where she was met with the obvious source of the problem, a boy of about her age, with ashy, bluish black hair, a stunning sapphire blue eye, the other covered with an eyepatch. She continued to observe him, he was dressed in finer threads, a noble you assumed. Then there was a second, a devilishly handsome man dressed in a butlers attire, he had acquired vivid red eyes, he stood at a monstrisitous height compared to hers, as well as raven black hair that swooped in various directions as he fended off her wolves. He was clearly a force to be reckoned with.
"Artemis, Amestris. Come." Winter demanded, she then turned her attention back to the two males who have intruded onto her property. "Perhaps you should have knocked." She simply stated as she made her way down the steps, her two wolves following cautiously beside her, the fitted black lace dress she wore trailed behind in heaps of excess fabric that suited as a train. Winter's long white hair fell effortlessly over her shoulders and down her back in lustrous loose curls. Her appearance screamed power and she made sure it was known as she made her way to the bottom of the steps, her head held high as she gifted a cold glare to her uninvited guests.
The raven haired man spoke first. "My apologizes my lady, my master and I were unaware that the mansion was being occupied" he bowed apologetically. It was then the boy with the eyepatch turn to speak, he gave a small smirk but before he could let out a single word, Daniel barged through the main hall, carrying the equivalent of nearly three full course meals, a chicken leg hanging from his mouth as he blinked a few times. He dropped the piece of poultry on one of his many plates he had in his possesion. "Oh, so this is what all the ruckus was about." Winter nearly snarled, but refrained due to the presence of guests. Instead she as calmly as she possibly could turned to her butler and said "if you knew there was a problem, why didn't you tend to it in the first place?" Her eyebrow twitched as she threw him a look that could kill. "Milady, you did say I could retire and from what I recall, you never called for me to resume my duties." Winter exhaled sharply, as she muttered to herself how useless her butler was before waving him off once more, with a flick of her wrist, pinching the bridge of her nose with her other hand. She heard someone clear their throat, she snapped her attention back at the two men standing before her. The boy with the eyepatch then continued with a sly smirk sprawled across his face. "My name is Ciel Phantomhive, and I believe you are in my home."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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