The last one

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????:A long time ago on the planet called earth there was once a race of beings that called the earth their home.

A flashback occurs showing a large metropolitan city with hundreds and thousands of people walking on the busy streets.

????: This race found it's home on all of the planets continents setting up their own separate governments. Each with their own rules each with own set of leaders and sense of justice. This species was called the human race.

In the streets of the city people sat in small cafés laughing and catching up with one another. Taxis drove by delivering others to their destination while others sat in their own vehicles stuck in traffic.

????: Billions and billions of human male and female once walked the earth as their numbers continued to grow with no sign of slowing.......that is until the outbreak occured.

The camera zooms out to space showing the earth which is covered by a large black skull with crossbones.

????: It happened without warning no one was prepared for what was to come. A unique strain of virus emerged from a small impoverished country and quickly spread throughout the world contaminating the food water and anyone who caught the disease.

Images of people's shadows are seen with the men choking before collapsing to the ground lifeless.

????: Any man who caught the virus quickly died choking on their own blood while their organs melted from within.....a god awful way to die. But while it killed off the men the virus mutated the women causing them to undergo a freak evolution.

The female shadows change from their human appearance into a animal shape growing a tail, claws and even fur.

????: They instead transformed into human like animals losing all recognition of the humanity they once held.

The earth comes back into view but was also covered by a large shadow.

????: Just like without any warning or reason the human race as we know it went extinct disappearing off the earth like they were never there.

Gone.....destined to be forgotten as the new dominant race thrives.

As all of the humans perish......

Well......ALMOST all of them.

The screen goes dark momentarily until it fades back into a room where a alarm was ringing off screen. Someone groans from underneath a blanket before sitting up revealing him to be a male human with E/C eyes and H/C hair.

Y/N: Yep that's a human and not just any old human me Y/N L/N. The last human man on earth.

Y/N wipes his groggy eyes and gets off the bed shutting off his alarm clock on his bedside counter.

Y/N: Now I'm sure your probably wondering how I'm even alive given the whole human kind wiped off the face of the earth thing thousands of years ago.

Y/N goes into his bathroom and checks himself with a mirror messing with his hair and spraying himself with some deodorant.

Y/N: My family has a history of keeping to themselves preferring to live a quiet life. Hence why they bought the large cabin in the forest that's been passed down from generation to generation. The virus could only spread if it was infected or passed on and my family always hunted and catched our meals never needing to rely on markets.

After freshening himself up Y/N gets dressed in black hoodie and matching jogging bottoms with black shoes and a grey mask.

Y/N: Yeah we were pretty recluse I say were because I'm the only member of the family that's left.

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