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::3rd person::

"We'll now that we're here let's start to introduce each other!" Two said happily "I agree with the host. My show will go first because it is clear that we have less contestants" Mephone said more proudly then he should have.

"Firstly we have the Bright Lights" Mephone said as the contestants grouped together almost tripping over each other. "Lightbulb, the team captain and the rest of them" The host pointed at them.
"I'm lightbulb! Those 3 over there" She said pointing to fan, paintbursh, and test tube "they're my best buds. There's also the circle bro's, cherries, and tissues!" She said pointing each and everyone of the different team members out.

"There would be marshmellow and apple but we don't know where they went" test tube said, paintbrush seemed a bit upset about the reminder. "I'm sure it's fine." Mephone shrugged it off, "Our only other team is the Grand Slams. Baseball (the fatty) is their team captain" Baseball gave a weak smile when everyone turned to look at him.

"The people on our team is Suitcase, balloon, box, soap, microphone, trophy, cheesy, knife, and-"
"Great that's all the people that are competing (or were) competing on Inanimate insanity season 2! Now let's move on to season 3 contestants!" Mephone quickly cut baseball off.

Mephone walked over to a curtain which was blocking something. X and four exchanged odd glances with each other. Bfdi contestants muttered and whispered while Mephone struggled to get the curtain open. At one point he gave up when it fell over.

"Here is-"

"Hey, sorry to interrupt. What about those objects over there?" Two asked pointing to people who didn't compete in season 2 but did in season 1.

"Whatever, you'll just get to know them later. Right now here we're our season 3 contestants! Floory, Life ring, tea kettle, candle, silver spoon, bot, goo, clover, cabby, and blueberry." He presented the contestants and someone in the crowd started randomly clapping for whatever reason.

"Well that's great! I hope that everyone here will bond new friendships!" Two said with X agreeing in the back, four just mumbled something angrily. "Well now it is our turn, will just use tpot teams because it's the current season"

"First team 'Death P.A.C.T again!" Two exclaimed calling the team members to walk up tot he front of the room. "What a stupid name. Yang! Try to be nice" Yinyang argued in the back candle then walking up to talk to them.

"The member are Tree, bottle, Fanny, Marker, pie, remote, lightning, and black hole" Two moved to the side so everyone could see the team. They all waved before Salt said "OMG, is that like, a black hole? OJ save me! I'm to pretty to die!!" Salt screamed clinging onto OJ's arm as he tried to get her off uncomfortably.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone. I made a promise to the pact not to, so you have nothing to worry about" Black hole said, if he had a face he would try to smile to comfort the girl, maybe. Salt just sighed but kept her grip in OJ until Pepper managed to pry her off. "Well on to the next team!"

"Next is, 'The strongest team on earth'" Two read from little flash cards that were made before hand. The contestants it consisted of was Grassy, bell, snowball, basketball, eggy, foldy, and robot flower (who was alright for the time being). They greeted and introduced themselves.
"Whoever choose this name must be cool." Trophy said to the team as he walked up to them "It's cool cause I picked it" Snowball responded very proud with himself.

During the times while teams were presenting they had to stop for people to chat and ask questions. For example test tube, golf ball, and tennis ball who could have gone on for hours but had to be stopped after 35 minutes.

All teams finished going up and finally it was down to the last team. Just not.

::Baseball's POV::

As two called out the final team I noticed him before the host even said it. It was Nickel! It was really him! I felt tears prick the side of my eyes and before I could stop myself I ran up to him.
I gave him a hug any armless contestant would but something was off... he didn't do hug me back or anything, maybe he was in shock? Or even surprised? I backed up from the hug as all the new comers looked at me odd, that didn't matter, Nickel was finally here!

"Nickel, I'm so glad you finally came back! Where'd you even go? You've been gone for 7 whole months.." I spoke my tone changing as I continued on and on. After awhile I was staring at the floor finished talking Ballon and Suitcase came up behind me. I looked up to see him except something was definitely wrong.
He looked at me with shock and maybe horror, Nickel didn't get scared easily, I knew that. What happened?

"Do I know you..?" He said glancing from side to side awkwardly. I stood there in silence. "Nickel it's me, baseball? Your best friend?" He turned to me and gave me a stare that was supposed to represent confusion but I could see something behind his eyes I couldn't pin point.

"I think you got the wrong person" he said before backing away a bit. I felt the tears that were once of joy turn into sadness. I quickly ran through the crowd and up the stair to my room.
All I could to was bawl my eyes out. Maybe I was to hopeful, but something tells me that there is more to that new coin.

::Nickel's POV::

Crap. I DIDN'T THINK HE'D START CRYING. I only said that so I could keep my secret hidden! I was also stressing out and said the first thing that came to mind. I'll go check on him later but right now we just have to get through these introductions.

Also what does he mean I've been gone 7 months, weird.


(Changed some words cause I didn't pre-read the first time)

(Added floory cause i forgot he was apart of the cast 🤧🤧)

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