Couple Love is not the Only Love

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Ruj's POV

"Move out of the way! Excuse me! A person coming through!" I shouted while running towards the football field through the crowded corridor. I wasn't paying attention to who was in front of me, and ran into a taller guy, and we fell down on the ground. The taller guy helped me up onto my feet. "Are you okay?" he asked me. I muttered a "yes" and kept staring at the taller guy. He was really handsome and looked like someone with authority. He picked up the basket I dropped and asked, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" I kept staring at him, captivated by his handsomeness. Call me weird, but I was actually gawking at him, admiring his looks. The shape of his eyes, his nose, perfect plump lips, and an athletic body which made it look like he loved playing all sorts of sports. "Hey are you staring at me? Aren't you in a hurry to be somewhere?" He asked me, shaking my arm. I blinked as if dazed and realised I was late. "Thank you, and I'm sorry". I said and snatched the basket from him. I turned to run to the football field, when he stopped me. "Wait, let me walk you. You might run into something and hurt yourself". He said and pulled me along. After reaching the football field, I ran towards the field where the team was waiting for me. I didn't look back to see if that guy was there, or if he went back inside. "What took you so long? We have been waiting for you Ai'Ruj." One of the boys asked me. "Ai'Kim! I was running here when I ran into some taller guy. He walked me here." I replied. "Did you get hurt?" another guy asked, cheking my arms and legs for any bruises. "No, I am not hurt Kamol". I said, still trying to catch my breath. "Your saviour is standing at the edge of the field, probably wanting to talk to you." Kamol said in an amused voice and winked at me. I looked over my shoulder, and soon enough the handsome stranger was standing there. He gave me a small wave and left. I tried to follow after him, but by the time I reached the edge of the field, he was gone, and I couldn't find him. I sighed and walked back to the field, and sat down on the bench with the others. After a few minutes break, the boys went back to practice. "Does anyone know what that guy's name is and which faculty he is from?" I asked the boys as soon as they came to collect their belongings after the practice ended. I was the team manager, and was writing the plan the coach discussed with me. "I have heard that his name is Lop and he is our faculty senior. Why do you ask though?" Another boy asked. "Ai'Ice, I have seen him a few times before but don't know who he is. I thought one of you might know him. Plus, he is totally my type." I replied with a huge smile. The boys stared at me for a few moments before going to change. I just shrugged and went with them to the locker room. Other than preparing for the upcoming football competition, we had to prepare for the annual prom as well which was in a few weeks' time. Kim, Kamol, Ice, and I, along with the others spent hours on the preparations of the prom. I was rather surprised to find P'Lop in the committee for the preparations. I often made sure he noticed me by offering him help when I could and brought him snacks and drinks. We never talked except thanking each other. I wanted to talk to him, but was really shy and didn't know how to approach him without seeming desperate. On weekends, I would see him at the football practice, standing on the sidelines watching the others practice. I had a hard time concentrating on the plan the coach was discussing with me, as I was easily distracted. It was hard for me to concentrate and not make a fool of myself. I badly wanted to talk to P'Lop, but didn't know what to talk about.
After much thought and deliberation, I decided to gather courage and get to know him more. One day, I went to the canteen with my best friend, Kit, to have lunch. The canteen was full and the only empty space was at P'Lop's table. We took our lunch to his table. I was really nervous to sit with him since I knew I was developing feelings for him, and I tried hard to suppress them. "Excuse me P', can we sit with you? All the other tables are full." I asked him. I wondered if I sounded desperate or something. He looked up at us, nodded and went back to his meal. "P', I've seen you during the prom preparations, and at the football practice, but never got a chance to talk to you. My name is Ruj. What's your name?" I finally asked to break the uncomfortable silence. "Ruj, you're the one that sometimes helps me, and is the team manager!" Lop observed. I don't know how to explain what I felt at the moment, but I was overjoyed to find out he remembered me, at least from the committee. We talked for a while to get to know eachother better. We exchanged numbers with Lop before he left. We started talking to each other during the preparations, at the practice every week, and even after we went to our dorm. Soon we got pretty close. About a week or so before prom, I realised that I had indeed fallen in love with Lop and wanted to pursue him. It was not an easy decision for me as I was in love with my best friend, Kit too for the past 2 years, and was confused as to who I should pursue.

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