Stupid fucking grace

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Grace had always ooed and awed at her father's soccer team growing up. She knew that someday she would be on it; she hadn't known that that day would arrive fast.  Tryouts had been a nightmare and the possibility of JV dangled in the air. She knew that the other girls would think that her dad was playing favorites, so she told him to go hard on her. Unlike the other girls she didn't have to wait for her letter. As soon as she got home, he told her that she was far too good for JV.

She was happy that day. She would live out her dream and make her father proud. An added plus was seeing Natalie every day. At practice it was great, seeing eachother, doing teambuilding exercises together, and laughing together afterwards. Grace loved being on a team like that. After practice, however, was not so nice. She was greeted with Natalie's face everywhere she turned. In her home there she was. Sitting on the couch next to Travis.

Grace would avoid her when at home. Lying in bed for hours sometimes just to wait Nat out. She would not see her at all costs. 

At dinner she was unavoidable. Her hands meeting Nat's soft ones during grace. Stolen glances when something awkward was brought up. Nat was everywhere. Grace and Nat never talked though; Only ever saying hello to one another occasionally. The last full conversation occurred after a big fight of Nat and Travis's.

"I'm really sorry about my brother. He's a real douche sometimes." Grace recalls the conversation as if it were yesterday.

"It's not your fault. I appreciate the apology though." Nat's natural rasp came out. A voice so familiar yet so foreign for Grace.

Nat was one big contradiction to Grace. The closer she wanted to be with the girl, the more Grace pushed her away. She was everywhere and nowhere. It was almost as if Nat existed on a different dimensional plane. One so out of reach Grace couldn't fathom her. Nat was unattainable.

School was a nightmare. Grace had friends, but never good ones. No one that she felt she really connected with. That was until she met Jackie and Shauna. They had declared her their favorite and only tolerable Junior. They got her into every party and were her gateway to popularity. 

"Hey Jackie!" Grace said happily getting into Shauna's car, "Hi Shauna bear!" Grace threw her arms around the brown-haired girl.

"Hi Grace." they both said 

"Ok, so there's a party on Friday like right after the game. I was thinking we win, go to my house, get ready, and pre-game a little. That way we all can vouge for outfits and stuff." Jackie declared. It wasn't uncommon for the three to go to Jackie's house before parties.

"Sound's good! Shauna would you throw this in the CD player?" Grace asked gesturing to the Fleetwood Mac CD.

"We're literally about to be at school." Shauna protested but still put the CD in.

"That's enough time for one song." Grace said as the intro to Dreams began.

The girls pulled into the school parking lot noticing Taissa and Van getting out. Taissa and Van weren't open about their relationship, but as a queer girl Grace knew exactly what was going on with the two. The group met and then walked to each of their lockers getting ready for their first class.

The day flew by, and the final bell rang signaling for Grace to head to the locker room for practice. It was the first practice since winter break. The team was preparing for upcoming games and hopefully a spot at nationals. 

Uplifting music filled Grace's ears as she walked into the lively locker room. All the girls were chatting about vacations and such. 

"Grace!" A voice belonging to Lottie exclaimed. Lottie had been someone that Grace never thought she would be friends with. Truthfully, she thought the girl was a stuck-up rich girl. That was until they grew close in the past months together on the team. Lottie was one of those people that Grace was able to instantly connect with.

"I heard there's a party after the game. Is it at your place?" Grace inquired

"You know it! My parents are out of town as always but may as well make the most of it!" It was a rare occurrence for the Matthews parents to be at home on weekends. As Lottie had told Grace they always had a dinner or a business trip or something.

"Can't wait Matthews!" Grace exclaimed tying her soccer cleats.

"Matthews Martinez quite the chit chat and hurry up." Taissa said. Not in a mean way but more in a Taissa way. That was the best way that Grace could describe it.

"See you on the field." Grace waved to Lottie as she exited the locker room.

Practice was pretty uneventful. It was a warm-up and then a scrimmage. Every Varsity girl was paired with a JV girl and then they were split into two teams. Grace had Akilah who was one of the better JV players. The opposing team won and then Jackie came up with an encouraging speech about how it was okay to lose at practice, but never during a real game. After that all of the girls headed to the locker room.

Grace decided to rinse off because it had been an unusually hot day considering it was only January. Apparently, everyone else had the same idea. They all rushed into the shower stalls as fast as humanly possible. Luckily, Grace had been able to snag one. She felt the warm water hit her and wash off all of the sweat she had accumulated at practice. After her shower she changed into a pair of sweats she had brought specifically for after practice.

Grace headed home with her dad. The car ride was silent. Not awkward silent but a tired silence. It was also remarkably fast. Ugh Grace thought Her bike is in the yard. Grace walked in and almost headed straight for her room that was until-

"You're not going to say hi to your brother?" Travis questioned

"Hi Travis." Grace deadpanned "Hi Natalie."

"Hi Grace." Natalie said with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about scrimmage earlier. It's a shame you guys lost."

"It's fine." Grace said and then beelined it for her room.

Grace flopped onto her bed exhausted. She was going to stay for dinner. They would have to sit with one another. She'd have to hold her hand during grace. Stupid fucking grace.

~authors note~ YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY chapter 2 finally out

sorry it took so long I kinda suck at writing so it takes a while for me to come up with semi decent stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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