XXXIV - Disappearance

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It's the last day of the school week, tomorrow is a day off for us.
Yet again, another boring period. I don't really get what's wrong about not learning literature. I know how to read, I already know how to write. What's up with that.?
So they are just gonna waste our time?
I just don't really get the vibe of it. I naturally disliked school, anyways.
At least it's good that I have all of my classes with DogDay, or else I'd be bored to death.
Speaking of which, I forgot to do my homework.

() "You're handout is overdue again, CatNap"
(C-Nap) "I will turn it in next week, miss."
() "Yeah yeah, kids these days.."

Teachers will never understand students
I'm sure of it.


At last.
I sighed, grabbing my bag and leading DogDay outside of the classroom.
We have another period before lunch.
About time.

DogDay noticed that I was gloomy, even though I got good sleep yesterday.
I don't know, but the tiredness is winning.
I don't really want to trouble DogDay with my nature, but he just happens to care about me.
And I'm content with that.

(D-Day) "Kitty? What's the matter?"
(C-Nap) "Just kinda tired, nothing much."
(D-Day) "Let's get you some water, that'll help"
(C-Nap) "I'm good, no thanks"

I'm not thirsty, but doing so just made DogDay even more worried, creating even more tension between the two of us

(D-Day) "Do you want to go blow off steam somewhere.? The library, perhaps? I'd read you a book if you want, or you can take a nap?"
(C-Nap) "Mhh, sure."

I followed DogDay to the library again.
The dog pushed the door open, heading inside before me. Treading down the big bookshelves of the room, DogDay grabbed a book from a shelf high up. He had to jump though, because it was out of reach. The book seemed to be a novel, I have never seen DogDay touching a book before, excluding exercise books or textbooks at school.
He quietly sat down in the corner, patting the spot next to him.
I loomed over, slowly lowering myself down to his level, then rested completely, letting my eyes fall shut, steadying my breathing rhythm.

(D-Day) "This is a very interesting one, Kitty! Though, it's a little bit, sad and depressing, what do you think?"
(C-Nap) "Perfect, read it to me, please."
(D-Day) "Alrighty! Now.. once upon a time... wait, that's not the first line- uhh.. why the hell is the writing barely readable..?!"

DogDay seemed to be struggling to read the script in the book. I have had my fair share with sloppy and messy handwriting, but this time it sounded bad.
But I didn't have the energy to care.
After some time, he finally found the start of the book, DogDay started to read to me.
The lullaby is putting me to sleep.
My muscles release all of its tension, slowly drifting me off into an unbothered and resting state.
I started to purr, letting my tail wander around DogDay's waist for comfort.
The words of the novel flowed through my brain.


What are you doing.?!
Why are you on the top of the building.?!
Don't tell me, are you going to [REDACTED]?!
Isn't is obvious enough already?
Or do you just keep wanting to play the oblivious.?
But.. why.?!
I thought that we have already done enough to heal you.?!
You're correct.
I've healed enough.
But no matter how much I kept going.
The unwantedness is still lingering in my soul.
I want to be free.
What do you mean by that.?!
[?].! Please, don't..
You know what euthanasia is right?
I've been suffering long enough.
I acknowledge your hard-working efforts.
Thank you for everything.
The uncountable years will finally be sealed by fate.
I mean, I don't really want to do this.
A peaceful and carefree [REDACTED] is all I have ever wished for.
You don't have to do this.
It's not worth it.
The shadowy darkness of the engulfed eclipse will soon fall upon us.
Dreadful as I have experienced more than what is considered to be significantly more than the limit that I have the ability to withstand.
It doesn't have to end this way! There's still a hope.. A second chance..
Please, you don't know what will this cause.
My dear companion.
I've gotten enough.
The exhaustion is laid upon me now, and I want to return to the everlasting slumber of eternity.
Please let me be.
I only want everybody to be happy, free of my unwanted existence..
I'm sorry.
The mourning will strike throbbing sorrows deep inside of you.
Maybe it's time for you to find out what a curse feels like.
Farewell, friend.
I will definitely see you again on the other side.

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now