The Tips of Romance

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[Note this chapter is more 18+ material]

Romance is a interesting writing topic, for some writers it can be very difficult and for some very easy. However this chapter will tell you what you should and shouldn't do for a Romance story.

A interesting thing you can do for a Romance story is a harem. Harems are a Japanese term for one man dating multiple woman, this can be a very funny or interesting concept to use in writing but as it is interesting is it hard to do and make function in a story. If you wish to cut corners and it's a erotic novel you are writing then you can make the woman [or men] fall in love with the protagonist with little to no reason, but this can be a very bad choice when it comes down to a romantic relationship between the characters, it can bore a viewer if the woman [or men] just love the main charactor for no reason. It's incredibly unreasonable and unrealistic in most forms of writing past porn.

However harems aren't a bad thing, for example you could make it to where the woman fight over the main charactor or later in the story some leave his harem out of spite! There can be a lot of interesting drama that you can think of and write out, however a major don't when it comes to this concept is the number of people in love with the main charactor, if it goes past four it can get harder and harder for the viewer to keep track of and as well as make the story more difficult to write for the author.

When people read a Romance novel they [usually] aren't there for a erotic reading but a dramatic splash of love on paper, so you have to consider quality over quantity when it comes to love interest, for example MC [main charactor] could be in love with the popular girl at school, but the local yakuza clan leader has her eyes on him, having be struck in the guy with the knife of love and becomes obsessed with the young man. This is a example of a interesting charactor and interesting concept, the best you can do is give a charactor a interesting or intriguing quirk about them, like the yakuza woman could love orphanages and enjoys donating to them while the popular girl could be secretly a serial killer. Quirks when it comes to a personality can be either a hardside or a soft side. The hardside is something rough or hard boiled when it comes to their personality, such as the yakuza woman could be ruthless and not afraid to make someone bite the curb, allowing you yourself to question if she really is worth it for the protagonist. But for the soft side let's say the popular girl who is a secret serial killer made the main charactor her next target but as the story goes on so becomes obsessed with him! Making her stalk him but also protect him. It makes the viewer really consider a positive quirk of hers as her personality traits evolve. For a example of a interesting quirk try watching someone play any of the Phenix Wright Ace Attorney games! It recommend this because they are always weird in some way.

But for a normal quirk try thinking of what you would want in your partner, it sounds odd but imagine yourself in the charactors shoes when writing.

Next is your targeted audience, is the audience male or female? If male try a more traditional audience of shut ins and introverted people, they are quite easy to please and aren't picky at times, a example of this is Twilight, weird teen novel for woman I know but consider if the gender roles were swapped for a moment? A young nerdy introvert boy is romantically targeted by a Hot vampire woman who is a romantic and a Tomboy werewolf girl with a playful personality. Not so hard to understand why woman like it yeah? Most viewers enjoy placing themselves in the shoes of the protagonist and love pretending to be them at times.

Introverted people love dominate woman especially scary woman. The same can be said for a female audience since some woman romanticize Michael Myers of all people [I am dead serious]. For extroverts however my knowledge on them is quite limited since in my own personal experience with them they don't normally read books being honest.

A interesting concept you can mix in is also unknown horrors for a love interest, a odd but fun example would be the hit game A Sucker For Love, where the protagonist summons lady cathulu to try and score a kiss from her.

However if you are wishing to write a interesting and lustful novel using your own fetishes can help out since it's formiller territory, but what most audiences want when it comes to sex scenes or one's with a incredible  amount of sexual feeling and expression is lengthy yet highly descriptive scenes. Here is a example, "as John felt her breasts,  he started twisting and groping them. He treated her well before as a person but tonight he was going to make her feel like a object, a slave to his will. As she moaned he pulled and tugged on her nipples which were like perfect pale rose flowers on her breasts, foreplay was his specialty as he barrage her with insult after insult to turn her on further."

The better is it the more someone may like it, there are limits however. What matters however is that you do your best and if you are unsure on how it is coming together ask your friend to give their opinion since it may be unbiased [maybe].

For more fetish related porn story content it's best to look into either said fetish or work with one of your own, for example for my own hyper breasts [which means comically large breasts the size of someone entire torso per boob] is a simple and easy to understand idea, for myself I have to imagine how a woman with breasts that big can live through day to day life, sre breasts that large slightly common place or are they rare. How do they sleep? [For sure not belly down]. When it comes to a fetish around someone's body like for example anthro deathclaws from fallout you have to change your idea on charactor actions, moods, and thoughts on the subject.

Of course I will state with full confidence that I won't mention anything around Trans gender Romance as I have not seen much of it nor do I have any experience in it.

And for this chapters bizzare concept- Aplha and Beta men. This concept is a odd homosexual concept where alpha men [normal guys] can get beta men [feminine men who still have a penis] pregnant. This concept is out right weird but there is a anime that goes I to detail on it called Tadaima, Okaeri it is a sweet yet odd anime.

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