I almost lost you 💢

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Prompt: Charlotte has a quite serious reaction with her penut allergy. Marjorie gives the parent her piece of mind. They are deeply in love but haven't realised it yet, lololol.

Word count: 3174

'Today was gonna be a good day' Charlotte thought, her eyes drifting from the world outside of the car window and the beautiful driver, her longest friend, her manager and the woman she couldn't help but admire - Marjorie. Charlotte would often find it hard to work whenever Marjorie was around, even when she wasn't there - she was just too perfect, well maybe perfect isn't the word everyone would use to describe her, but Char would. Despite the woman being known for her emotions and impulsiveness, Charlotte couldn't help but fall for her. They hadn't discussed what they were, afterall they'd seen the highs and lows, they'd fought and seen how much they hurt not having each other to depend on - they'd even seen each other naked. Charlotte didn't know what they were: Friends? Lovers? Fuckbuddies?, but all she knew was that she didn't care. All she cared about was being Marjorie's and after all the "talking" they did recently, she was without a doubt that Marjorie wanted her - she just didn't know how or why she wanted her. But that didn't matter. At least not right now. All that mattered was the comfortable silence they had enveloped themselves in - Marjorie relaxing in her seat; concentrating on the last 10 minute drive to the Knight Nursery, whilst softly gliding her hand over Charlottes thigh.
Charlotte couldn't picture anything better than this - well, other than what they did last night.

Cool wind blew threw the cracked window, making Char shiver at the harsh breeze.
"Are you cold, my love?" Marjorie asks, reversing her car in the nursery car park, digits tracing patterns over the middle of charlotte's thigh. Another exposure to the breeze made her shiver once more.
"Just a little, but i'll be fi-." Before she could finish, Marjorie took off her jumper and gave it to her shivering gi- friend. They hadn't discussed what they were yet; she really hoped Char wanted to be her girlfriend. "What about yourself? Are you sure you won't get cold?" Char being concerned for her made Marjorie's stomach fill with butterflies - she was so cute, most of Marjorie's ex boyfriends never showed that much concern and yet here sat her and Char: best friend; employee and the love of her life, concerned if she'll get cold even though Marjorie can see clearly that Charlotte is shivering.
"Char, you are freezing, my love. You need to be warm. Also, there will be heating on in nursery." Marjorie explained after taking the jumper out of her hands and putting it on Charlotte's body - fingers gliding over her cheek, causing the other woman to turn light pink. Cute.

The pair of them got out of the car; heading off to their areas to start a fresh new day. Today had started off incredibly, Charlotte woke up to: Marjorie cuddling her; a caramel coffee and two fluffy pancakes with maple syrup and two strawberries on top cut into hearts - which to Charlotte's surprise, Marjorie knew how to cook them. Nothing could ruin her day when such a beautiful morning had happened. Or so she thought.

Around tea time, it was about an hour till Charlotte's shift ended -an hour till she could see Marjorie again.
"Right, Alex, where is your tea for today.." Charlotte spoke mindlessly, trying to keep a hungry toddler happy, "hear we go, found it." As she pulled the box out, her hand brushed over a spread of some kind dotted on the top of the box; it was cold and sticky with a pale brown complexion to it. Before she could wash it off, she felt her tongue swelling in her mouth; her throat felt tighter every second; she felt faint, dizzy, nauseous. That's when it hit her. The spread on the box was penut butter.
She dropped the box and moved to sorcha as quickly as she could.

"Sorcha," she coughed out, her breathing becoming more shallow by the second.
"Yes, Char- Charlie! What the fu-" Sorcha grabbed Charlotte's epi pen out of the box as quickly as possible. "Carly, take all the toddlers out now!"
"Okay. Toddlers come with me!" Carly directed all six toddlers down to soft play; as soon as they were out of an eye view, Sorcha injected the epipen into her thigh. Relaxing her in her book corner, Sorcha was now on the phone to an ambulance. Charlotte's thoughts span around her head so quick - she could have died. She could have left her children, her family, her friends - Marjorie - all behind. Marjorie, that's all she wanted right now - to see Marjorie.

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