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Assalamualaikum my beautiful fairies
I would like to request that when you guys edit any of your favourite scene from my story please don't use songs which tell immoralities plus don't use songs with music you can use Acapella songs ~

At 09:00 PM

Aina Who was reciting Qur'an peacefully in her room heard his father's voice from downstairs

Mr Ibrahim : AINA!!! AINA!!!

Mrs Maryam : ya Allah Ibrahim what happened why are you so angry

Mr Ibrahim : Shut up Maryam, and prepare the dinner I'm just coming

Mrs Maryam : But Ibrahim-

Mr Ibrahim : GOOO

Aina listen everything than she closed the Qur'an and went downstairs ~

Aina : assalamualaikum abbu

Mr Ibrahim : hmm Walikum assalam come in the living room

Aina look at her mother who pass her a sad smile while noddeding her head a bit

Mrs Maryam : Aina beta please don't mind him he's just frustrated because of his work

Aina : oh meri pyaari ammi Don't worry i know him I'll take care just go and prepare the dinner we will come ~

Mrs Maryam kiss her forehead and Aina smile than went towards living room

Aina : Yes abbu ??

Mr Ibrahim : sit !!

Aina sit infront of him on the sofa and he was looking down while grabbing his nose bridge

Aina : Abbu-

Mr Ibrahim : Aina I'm tired of you

Aina went silent and just look at him with emotionalless face he look up at her and said .

Mr Ibrahim : How long will all this continue???

Aina : abb---

Mr Ibrahim : If I leave you both then what will you both do???

Aina : abbu don't-

Mr Ibrahim : Death never comes with any warning, it can come at any time

Aina look down in sadness and than Ibrahim said

Mr Ibrahim : Ofcourse you don't like me much but what can I do beta, I am your father and I don't even have a son

Aina : abbu it's not like that-

Mr Ibrahim : You are my daughter and you are my son , I have raised you both as a girl and a boy ~

Aina starting to feeling bad for him

Mr Ibrahim : I get very angry but my beta what should I do, I am an old father
My son, I will leave everything to you. My daughter I raised you Now can you raise your mother and father?

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