CHAPTER 1 - Battlefield

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I can't to accents yet this is my first book that I'm actually gonna do
3rd person pvo:
It was another day on the battlefield.
Everyone was fighting in their own way
Y/n was a new recruit from 2 years ago. She is a/an C/N. Heavy is with medic per usual. Soldier is rocket jumping to the enemies, demoman is setting traps, and everyone else is doing their own thing..

Enemy spy pov:
"Hmmpf. I wonder if I can sneak in.. "
The enemy spy cloaks and runs past our defenses, he found a weird room he didn't see in our base before. He went in and found all the wires connected to our respawn. He left and while running out he got shot by someone..

Your pov:
I saw something move I shot and hit the enemy spy, I shot his head hoping he didn't use his dead ringer. I ran back to the battle field and saw the enemy demoman, I shot his leg and he yelped in pain, I shot him in the head this time and he went to their respawn.


Your pov:
"We won!" You thought, you went back to base and went to your room, you changed quickly and went to the rec room, you were just gonna watch what the mercs were gonna play since it was game night.

"Hey Y/N!" Scout said, you yelled "Hi scout!" And sat down somewhere far from the others, scout then yelled "alright it's time to play..... Truth or dare!" You whispered "phew" because you hated playing truth or dare.
Scout asked "hey Y/N wanna play with us?" You shaked your head "cmon it will be fun!" scout said. "No is no scout." you told him scout mumbled something.

you watched as they played medic asked sniper "zniper! Truth or dare?" sniper replied "dare oim not that scared.." medic told him "dare it iz.. Punch scout"
Sniper punched scout in the face and he fell to the floor. It went on and on untill it was 9:23 pm. Scout, soldier, and sniper had to go the medical lab because of the injuries they got from the game.
You got up and went to your room, you laid on your bed and slowly fell asleep.

Enemy spy pov:
I went back to the red base and went to that room, I flipped my knife and cut a lot of the wires. I cloaked again and got out quickly before anyone saw me.

Your pov:
Who couldave been the one who woke me up with his "beautiful" voice. Of course it's soldier, you groaned and got up and went to your bathroom and took a shower you quickly got changed and went to the mess hall, on the way you heard engie yell "dangit! Who couldave done this?!" you decided to ignore it as scout probably pranked engie, Pyro made pancakes for breakfast, you ate your food, while eating scout decided to start a conversation, "heya guys, anyone know why engie is yelling?" you shrugged at him, spy replied "I may 'ave heard him say 'someone cut the wires to the respawn.' " you were shocked, everyone else was shocked too. You wondered who couldave done this but you realized who it was. It was the enemy spy! You caught him trying to sneak past you yesterday but when you caught him the respawn was still on.. You know how and why the respawn broke. You finished your food and ran to engineer.

You said a weird feeling something bad is gonna happen, and it's gonna happen soon.

613 words omg

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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