Welcome to CYBER SNIPER!

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Description: read description lol to lazy to write it down again/j

It's basically just about Akitoya getting trapped in a videogame (got inspired by close game/OFFLINE event) :D

Includes Emunene! 

TW: Weapons, Blood, Mentions of death?

This reminds me of the hunger games tbh

Okay les gooo

3rd person POV:

The blue-haired male held a disc in his hand. He wondered if he should still play it this late in the evening. The main reason he didn't wanted to open the game was because it was a christmas present. Not that he didn't like the fact that it was a present, he was wondering why out of everyone his brother would give him this. His brother was overseas, studying somewhere else. Toya heard that there was this game that newly came out in the country where his brother was right now, so his brother probably thought it was a good idea to give Toya this, as a present. Still, Toya found this suspicious, but he still decided to open it. 

He then turned on the monitor and entered the game. It was called CYBER SNIPER. Weird thing was that he didn't even had to log or sign into an account, there was just a sigh which showed: ,press start' in big vibrant letters. 

Weird..., Toya thought.

He decided to shrug it off and pressed start anyways. The turned black. He waited for some minutes, but the screen was still black. Suddenly, a small button popped up in the screen. What was it? 

Should I press it?, Toya asked himself.

Curiosity ate him alive  so he his fingers moved the mouse to the button. He took a deep breath.


Suddenly, the monitor began glowing and then, everything went black.


As Toya slowly came gained back consciousness, he couldn't recognize where he was. It looked like he was in an old road where no one lived anymore. Suddenly, someone appeared right in front of him. 

„Ah?!", he shrieked as he didn't expect someone to randomly appear like that. They didn't drop from the sky, nor did they walk over here. They just suddenly spawned. 

He took a moment to observe the person. It was a girl, he assumed. She had long, green-ish hair with lavender eyes. She looked scared as well. Her clothes were odd in Toya's opinion. That's when Toya realized. There was hair covering his left eye. He also had weird clothing. 

„W-who are you?", the girl asked, snapping Toya out of his thoughts.

„Uhm... I'm- I'm Aoyagi Toya", he answered, not exactly knowing how to respond.

She titled her head. 

„Wait... did you also open the new game?", she asked.

„Yes I did. How do you know?"

„Because- uh... I guessed"

The two of them, scared as hell, not knowing where they were, suddenly heard a sound. They turned their heads over to where the sound came and there stood... another girl? This girl had turquoise hair, pink cat ears and sparkles in her eyes. 

Wait... why is she holding a gun?!, Toya looked at her with wide eyes.

„Hello! Welcome to CYBER SNIPER!", the girl smiles, with her cheery, yet robotic voice.

„My name is Hatsune Miku! You can just call me Miku! Thank you for wanting to play with us! I will explain the rules now! In this game, your only goal is it to eliminate all the other teams, in the end, the only remaining team will get a surprise!", she continues speaking. 


Toya and the green-haired exchanged nervous looks and shifted their gazes back to ,Miku'.

„First rule- kill or get killed! That's the only one! You will be in groups of two, by the way. Oh and here, these are your weapons. You can level them up during the game!" she smiles brightly as she throws each one a gun.

The girl caught it with ease, while Toya wasn't able to catch it and it ended up landing on the floor. He quickly picked it up from the floor while he tried to hide the embarrassment making his face heat up a little.

Wait... why did she give us a gun?... Kill or get killed? What?!  Is this a dream?

„If you think you're dreaming right now, let me tell you, you're not! This is all real!", Miku reassures.

This... can't be real...

Toya and the green-haired exchanged worried looks.

„The rest you'll have to find out by yourself!", Miku says and winks at the two of them before she disappears, leaving Toya and the girl confused.

„Uhm... since you already know my name, can I know yours?", Toya carefully asks, not wanting to make the situation even worse.

„Kusanagi Nene", she replies quickly. 

Awkwards silence swept over them. Since both of them were rather quiet and calm, they didn't really talk. 

„So I guess we're in the same team?", Nene asks quietly.

„Uhm... I think so"


„Uhh hey, if this is real, what happens if we die?", Toya asks.

Suddenly, a bracelet that looked like a watch he never knew existed, popped up a hologram. It looked like a keyboard where you could type stuff into it. 

The two of them shockingly looked at Toya's bracelet. 

„I think we can type in questions", Nene said.

Toya then began typing ,What happens if someone dies'. The results were not what they expected. 

,The dead player will officially die, that means they're eliminated, even in real world'

The two of them gulped while reading the answer. 

„Wait", she said, making Toya curiously turn his head over to her.

She typed in ,Is there a way to escape the game'

,The team has to win the game by eliminating all the other remaining teams. After that is done, the game will end'

Crap. Wait... is that the first time I've cursed?

Suddenly, a portal opened in front of them. Toya and Nene exchanged looks, nodded and entered it.

To be continued...

「ꜱᴜʀʀᴇᴀʟ」 - AkitoyaWhere stories live. Discover now