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Tbh I liked so-hee she is cute and just so beautiful, we made good moments together but her annoying personality made me get away from her, her childishness was not I would like to bear

Then I met

In a bar,
She was hot and sexy
She was mature and good in other things too rather than just bed

I loved her

She insisted me to get money from so-hee as she knew she was näive .

I did that

By then again manipulating her
Those picture of bar have always been photoshopped,

So-hee is not fool, she is indeed the smartest girl I ever met but her emotion, feelings, love  for me made her blind

I sometimes feel bad for doing such a thing to her

She worths more


But then again sarina says I'm just thinking about it bcz I have humanity

Well I hope she didn't got much hurt

I was in my room crying from the break up I couldn't stand myself to see anyone or talk to anyone
I was trying to find my mistakes
Where I went wrong???
How could I change?

It was the longest and loveliest relationship I had and it also broked
My relationships were mostly not serious until I met hyunjin
My love for him will never end
And that's what makes me miserable

I wish I could forget this all somehow
And move on

But I can't

Wish I had someone


Then I remembered my bestest friend
I haven't met her in  a while since she went to Japan
We were bsf since high school
After graduating she went Japan
And I went u.s

I called her.

She picked as she smiled at seeing me

"I'm really happy to see you I was so caught up with work and shit I didn't realised I haven't been calling you"

She said

"It's fine I was busy too, uk after namsoon went missing I was kinda broken so I would mostly get myself in work

And she have just arrived!

It's good to see her, everything is back to good "

"That's incredible, I knew she would come back................ What happened you look kinda pale..... You good.....?..... Have u been eating well....?? "

"Oh I'm fine it's just hyunjin he again broked up and for real this time "

She looked pale after hearing this but I didn't paid much suspicion to it

"You should find someone better girl... You don't deserve- I mean he don't deserve you...! "

She seemed a bit odd

"Oh I'll catch you later my boss will screw me if I got caught here talking with you instead of doing work I'll meet you soon girl! Byee! "

She hanged up

I looked at the screen for a bit

I was confused

What was up with her

Her behavior was odd

Did she knew already about this?

Or something else

She is definitely hiding smth

Smth very bad

And related to me and hyunjin

I wonder what


When did you started keeping secrets from me


ALWAYS TOGETHER {si-o x so-hee}Where stories live. Discover now