85~ Illnesses

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Tarakshya's POV

"What exactly happened?" I asked, holding my breath as Mr. Mehrotra wiped the sweat from his forehead and began.

"I was working with the crime branch. At that time, crimes were brutal, cases piling up every day. But I had never witnessed a case more brutal than Kaal's. I can surely say that was the most horrifying case in my career, not just because of the crimes committed by him, but because of the criminal-an eight-year-old boy, merely a child."

I stared at him and said not wanting to hear all drama but to get to the point, "I need exact tell of what occurred."

He nodded his head and I sighed, I never behaved patiently than this in my whole damn life.

I was losing my patience hearing all the shit, I probably understood I too was used and the fucking thing is making me lose my calm, but his voice bought me back to the world.

"A woman was found dead near a waste disposal site, with 50 sharp cuts all over her body. Through the investigation, we identified her and learned she had a son who suddenly vanished after her murder. We initially assumed the murderer had either killed the kid or kidnapped him, but the chances of kidnapping seemed extremely low given the woman's poor financial condition."

"But what unfolded after the boy was caught a year later literally shook the members of our team to the core," Mr Mehrotra whispered almost to himself and I held myself from interrupting, it was looking as if those incidents were literally playing before him, but the fear on his face was still catchy.

"The murder was done by that kid, and he admitted it without anyone forcing him to, hard to believe, right? it was same with us until the result of mind mapping. But what terrorized me was the lack of remorse in his eyes. I trembled when he told the reason for the crime."

"What was the reason?" I asked not having patience to hold my curiosity, I was eager to know everything in meantime.

Mr. Mehrotra lifted his eyes to stare at me and answered, "Peace." Causing me thinned my eyebrows, coming from eight year old boy is terrorizing, now I understood the base of his terrorizing existence.

I was born to the father, who killed people everyday, I witnessed seeing blood pouring out but even in that condition I used to wish, I hadn't have to do it or be one of the animal like my father but ended with the same fate but whenever I killed I used to remorse for that but HIM, No wonder Why he was My father's favourite Son.

"What?" I asked but he seemed lost in his world and continued.

"It didn't take much time for me to understand the boy was suffering from a mental disorder better say incurable mental illness. It was the second time mind mapping was conducted for any case in India, and what the boy revealed was beyond comprehension. He had killed more than 80 people in the span of a year using different tactics and weapons. The murders weren't for money or wealth; they were for the satisfaction of his thirsty soul, to quench his thirst for blood. Through numerous psychological tests, we discovered that the boy had been practicing such things for a long time-, he was trained to live between deads, his mindset was worst than any experienced killer I had come across, there are two types of criminals, one who regret what they have done, second the one who doesn't have any regret, but he didn't fit in either of categories and exact reason for his behaviour was still out of our thinking."

"I wanted to resolve this mystery, and began studying his behaviour, and Things started getting more complicated for me, He was calm, polite, used to stay isolated, most of the times, spend his time in gardens or doing the work given to the prisoners, he even stayed silent during bullying, No one was ready to believe he could murder anyone, in fact they started doubting mind mapping testes we conducted, but No one were seeing what I had witnessed in his eyes.....a fire of A fear and thirst of power."

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