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With my tiny little rucksack on board I'm surprised to see that there is a large shiny black car waiting for me on the driveway of the mansion. Hesitant at first I feel someone trying to speak to me.
Eleanor, be careful. And remember that you are always welcome here at the-
Somehow I manage to shut off his voice inside my head. As I cautiously head over towards the car I see that there are a few random pebbles that begin to rattle against each other even though there is no wind or anything that could possibly move them. Shaking my head of spooky thoughts I watch as Bruce emerges from the car and holds the door for me.

"Your carriage, milady"
"Why are we taking a limousine?"
Seriously? That's the first thing you say to him?
Bruce looks slightly crestfallen but picks himself up swiftly,
"Tony and Naveen insisted on getting you to Stark Tower safely." I manage a small smile and duck into the car.
"How thoughtful of them" I say mostly to myself as Bruce files into the seat next to me.

There's not driver and for a moment I'm thinking how are we getting to the Tower if there's no driver? The car lurches to life and I am suddenly very concerned.
"Greetings, Miss Salvadore." JARVIS the AI says from everywhere in the car.
"Greetings...JARVIS" I say slowly.
"Splendid to hear from you again" he continues as the limo takes the forest path at a safe rate, the shadows of the pine trees flickering across Bruce's face as he sits right beside me.
"We should be there in ten minutes, momentarily Doctor Banner" JARVIS says again and I look out the window staring at the serene landscape before me, trying to not notice how my side is every now and then bumping into Bruce's.

Bruce doesn't respond in fact I feel his gaze shifting to me, a question bubbling up in him that he is, for some reason nervous about voicing aloud. I hope she can do this.
"Of course I can" I snap at him. Does he really think that I cannot handle this situation? Bruce looks at me incredulously.
"What? You seriously don't think I can interrogate a man? I'm not a child, Bruce." He shifts away from me as though I am talking in gibberish.
"Nora...I didn't say anything" his voice is low and slightly embarrassed. I scoff but don't argue with him further.

Before I can get too angry we are suddenly in the city and weaving in and out of the many cars and taxies that never cease to fill the streets. To be honest, I kind of missed it. I think I would like to live in the city. The buzzing energy, the city full of light and life, a moving, breathing organism. Tiger Nora sneers at me,
Yeah that would be grand. Only problem is you get shitty when people say you cannot do something. I would go rampant in a place like this. Cities? Not a responsible living space for us, darling.

"You said there was something else you wanted to talk to me about?" I spark a new conversation with Bruce to get that goddamn tiger out of my head. Bruce looked away for a moment and averted his eyes to my window.
"Yes I did" he begins vaguely, "it's something that I've been thinking about doing for a while now."
Tiger Nora laughs,
He gonna tell you he wants you.

Shoving aside her dirty thoughts I focus,
"What is it?" I urge him to continue but even then he seems very withdrawn. He takes a deep breath before continuing.
"I've invented an Ironman suit that allows Tony to fight me while-while I'm The Other Guy" he always stumbles on saying "The Hulk". I don't know why he is ashamed of it. He shouldn't be. He's amazing.
"Her names Veronica and she's able to take on The Other Guy" the information sinks in.
"So Tony has an ironman suit that is sort of like a...hulkbuster?" I laugh lightly and I see Bruce crack the smallest of smiles.

"It's more like an upgrade on short notice. He'll be able to add it to his suit whenever he wants. At the moment she's a satellite and it only takes the press of a button to initiate" I feel myself smiling.
"Bruce that's fantastic!" I beam and feel the sudden urge to hug him. She looks so beautiful when she smiles. There's a blush that creeps up my neck. How is he talking without opening his mouth?
"So what do you need me for?" I turn my back to him and lower my voice in my embarrassed state. Bruce sighs deeply.

His Beauty, My BeastWhere stories live. Discover now