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I wasn't even awake for an hour before I knew this year was going to be strange. We all have that one feeling once in a while, that weird feeling like something was bound to happen. The one thing that wasn't right, but the thing is... you can't place it. With a heavy grunt I got my body out of my bed to get ready. Stumbling I made my way to the bathroom, shower, brush teeth, brush and style hair, wash face, do skin care and then make up. I wonder how boring life for guys would be, no makeup or morning routine at all? That thought was too depressing so I quickly moved on.

I ate my breakfast at the kitchen table with my phone in my hand, scrolling through TikTok trying to ignore the fact that summer was over. No more swimming, shopping, late night walks at sunset. It was all over, now back to the "real routine": eat, sleep, study, sports and work. No one was home, mom and dad were at work, my little sister at school, and the cats... they're cats.

Ten minutes before I had to be at the location I arrived, looking around I didn't see many people. I sighed and waited for my friends to arrive and of course they did. Amara, one of my closest friends, will be in the same class as me. I was glad I wouldn't be alone, since she knew some certain things last year. I shake the thought of it off as I see her approach me. "Long time no see" she said sarcastically since we went shopping yesterday. "hey" I mumble back making it clear I was not ready for this bull shit. She rolled her eyes before pulling me to the rest who I didn't see three minutes ago. Our class gets called, a deep sigh took the quickest exit from my lungs. Great. I walk to the teacher plastering on a fake smile for everyone to see, I was so not in the mood for fucking bowling. But I set that thought aside, this could be fun.
My eyes scanned the group, is this going to be my class from now on? Dear god I'm fucked. My gaze striked every face examining their features. I admit that they weren't all ugly but they weren't cute nor were they hot. The girls looked like they belonged in a bourgeoisie party, most of them tall, either blonde or dirty blonde. Very few brunettes and very few with dark brown curly hair, they look like they know every piece of gossip and it's honestly sickening. I recognized some from last year and know some personally including my friends. Then my eyes set on a guy, tall with messy ashy colored hair, a baggy clothing style and a certain look on his face, a look of emotion I could not read. I ignored my curiosity and finished my glances of the faces, trying to remember names.

We got divided over groups and proceeded to actually bowl, not like we had a choice though. We all got a soda since although it wasn't summer anymore it was still pretty warm. I didn't suck that much at bowling but knew pretty damn well that I wont get a price for the best bowler of the country. After the whole bowling thing we had to go to the school campus that wasn't too far away from here. We then met each other in one of the overheated classrooms at the school to get instructions and papers with god knows what information. We got a tour of the new campus which was newly built, it was big, and most classrooms were white with a lot of glass. One of the guys I knew from my previous friend group made a remark about pushing someone through the glass, I couldn't help myself from chuckling. Though he was funny I don't understand why I once had a crush on him in the first year. It might've been out of boredom or just plain curiosity but that was the past.

When I got home I let myself fall onto my bed with a loud groan, never again. I scanned my room for something to do, finding my laptop. I decided to watch Netflix and text with some friends. We were mostly talking about our first impressions of the kids. Who will be the loner, nerds, loud kids, biggest annoyment and so on.

After dinner I just scrolled through TikTok mindlessly until I fell asleep.

~authors note~Hey, my name is Isabel and I'm planning on writing a book series called parallel revenge, based on my current highschool experience in the Netherlands. Although the scenes might not be all fully accurate I hope the chapters you'll read will entertain you. If you are new to reading this might be a fun book to read since it is completely free and I'm not planning on making it too long. This book will NOT include smut, just simply fluff scenes, this is not without reason. That's because I'm writing this book based on my friends' lives, and it will be quite awkward to do so. The names are not the names of my friends so dont bother stalking them. I hope you could give me ideas for scenes or tell me what I could change since this is also a learning process for me. This will not be the end result but simply my draft, you can follow these drafts by reading them and helping me improve them. I will repuplish this on the same platform but fully worked out if I can. Thanks for reading my pilot of Parallel: revenge!

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