Chapter 1: get serious

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It has been a week since the whole first day of the school "let's go bowling" fiasco, I got a better grip on my classmates' personalities now... sort of...

This would be our first real school week with studying and making notes, instead of learning names and getting to know the stupid expectations of our teachers. Knowing that I wouldn't be late anyway I got out of bed 30 minutes after my alarm clock, stubborn as my mother would say. So here was my denial of what happened last year, though the memories kept creeping in.
You're a really nice girl, Elanor.
Did anyone ever mention your beauty?
Read 2 minutes ago, 6 minutes, 56 minutes, three hours, a week, a month. Camp...
I shudder again, memories, haunting memories, the worst kind. I still didn't get an explanation from him, but I forgave him. I'm not sure why, I just think I had to since before all of this we were friends. I pulled myself out of bed with the same grunt of annoyance as normally before making my way to the bathroom, my normal routine. I felt like a robot doing this but I did it anyways since I wasn't fully awake and doing something important would be a mistake right now.

I rushed downstairs with my book bag to make breakfast and lunch after realizing I was doing the reenactment of the last of us. I got everything done in time even though I was a bit late. I hopped on my bike about twenty minutes before school, I wasn't too late but I could still end up being late. I decided to bike alone today since I would just hold everyone up with my lateness. When I arrived at school I got to the bike storage, great, it was completely full. I found a place next to some random pink bike, god I hope the owner gets a new one, this is just sad. I got to class on time to find my friend Amara holding a spot for me. Before she could speak I stopped her with a hand signal "before you tell me I'm late, I'm perfectly on time." She laughed at me, why was she laughing? I stare at her for a few minutes before asking her "what?" She replies with "nothing... just... the new guy? really?" I look at her confused, what does she mean? "What 'the new guy'?" I asked a tad agitated. "I didn't take you for an unban, downtown boy kinda girl... I thought you were more a fan of the old money guys." I stare at her again, what was she talking about? It wasnt even nine in the morning or she was annoying me, in fucking homeroom class, out of all the classes, the one that shouldnt be too bad she just had to confuse me. I decided not to pay too much mind to it during the class. I caught myself staring at the new guy as he walked in, the smugness was almost irritating. I rolled my eyes out of pure reflex because of his cockyness. I heard chuckling from the seat behind me, I recognized that voice, even if I didn't want to. Vincent, the name Vincent meant to conquer, and conquer he did just as fast as he surrendered. I turned around, and snapped, god I was crabby. "what?" "I saw that... what happened it a week to make you roll your eyes?" he asked curiously. "I just don't like the cockyness-" I explained but stopped myself. "how did you see me roll my eyes?" It wasn't physically possible for him to see me roll my eyes from the seat behind me. "you do that sigh, hair flip thing." he clarified.


Why the eye roll though? what did I do to her, kill her hamster? I thought to myself, yes I was cocky but that my personality and I didnt do anything to her, I think. I sat in a random seat and looked at her, not like a staring or im watching you kind of way, I was simply... observing her. Yea observing, that's what I'll call it. Whoever decided Homeroom class was mandatory is an absolute idiot, the class was boring and useless but the perfect opportunity to interrogate people with questions. I mean I wasn't the only guy who did it here, every guy did it. the basic "what's your type" "my name is, how do you do?" "do you have a pen" type of stuff. Though I wasn't big on scaring the girls with the what's your type question, it wasn't only awkward on her part but it could completely backfire.


During the break I saw the two new girls sitting together, they've been doing that for a while. Vincent mentioned the brunette once. They seemed nerdy, quiet but nice. I asked Amara and Vincent if I should invite them over because they were always just the two of them. They agreed to the plan and so I walked up to them learning their names were Malihia, that was the blonde. And the brunette was called Talia, Talia was shorter than Malihia but both seemed like kind humans. We got to know each other though, Vincent and I kept our history secret, for now... maybe forever.

Hanging out together became a daily ritual for us, we started sitting together during breaks but also during class, we became a friend group. Although Vincent was the only guy in our group he seemed to have fun, we were no more involved like that. We still talked once in a while about our deeper personal life. He mentioned Talia once in a while (once in a few hours), we named her "water" as a private nickname for our conversations as he developed feelings for her.

One day one of our other friends wanted us to check up on her crush and Talia with her love for walking around doing nothing volunteered as long as she wasn't alone. It took a while before Vincent took the chance and they walked off. She didn't know she was water but heard 45% of our conversations about her, she was clueless. It was funny on my part but I knew that Maliaha or how we nickname her, Mali, saw the chemistry happen. She saw it between me and Vincent but soon enough also between Vincent and Talia, while Talia was convinced me and Vincent had a thing. And I knew she would deny it if it wasnt so, on other terms she thought he was gay, and honestly, I can't blame her for that.

~Authors note~

Hey dear readers,
I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, I will rewrite all this once it's finished so this is still the draft but I hope you find joy in reading this. I know it's a bit of a fast pace but that is simply because I had to get my memories out (the water thing was real). You can always comment on the paragraphs or all the way to this note either way, I love receiving feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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