Chapter 27: Captain Wonder Peach and the perilous scheme of Professor Shirogane

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There was once a crazy fashion designer/scientist called Professor Shirogane. She was angry because the laughter of children was too loud and she couldn't work on her clothing designs.

However, when Professor Shirogane tried to come up with a plan to remove laughter, she failed every time.

She tried forcefully changing her friend's names? That didn't work. She tried to freeze everyone with an Elsa costume? That didn't work either. She tried to go back in time to stop herself from being named how she was? Not even THAT worked!!!

And worst of all, wherever Shirogane went, everyone was having fun and laughing. All accept...

"Very interesting

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"Very interesting..." Thought Professor Shirogane, so she went to Anti humour queen and was all "Hey, wanna team up?"

And Anti humour queen was all "Whatever."

So Professor Shirogane and Anti humour queen filled a bunch of food with dryhumourium (an element which completely removes the ability to laugh) and sold it at a school fair. When all the students ate the poisoned food, they lost their joy, like Snow White but without the death.

But then, Captain Wonder Peach arrived and it made her sad to see the children sad. So sad, in fact, that she ate some dryhumourium-infused ice cream.

HOWEVER, according to maths, two negatives make a positive, so Captain Wonder Peach emitted a positive aura which immediately restored everyone's laughter...

It even made Anti humour queen laugh. The only one immune to Captain Wonder Peach's positivity was Professor Shirogane, so she disguised as a granny and offered the princess a dryhumourium-infused cake.

BUT, while Peach loves cake, she loves sharing more. So she fed the cake to Professor Shirogane and she got so depressed that she handed herself into prison for 20 years.

Afterwards, the whole school threw a party with lots of cake, none of which with Dryhumourium inside.

The end.

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