Homecoming and Longing

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As the sun began to set outside her hotel window, Wang Yi wearily made her way back to her room after a long day of fan meet-and-greets. Collapsing onto the bed, she reached for her phone and saw a message from her beloved girlfriend, Zhou Shi Yu.

"I have dance practice now," the message read, sent earlier that evening. Wang Yi's heart ached, knowing Zhou was hard at work preparing for her upcoming birthday stage performance. Quickly, she typed out a reply: "I'm in the hotel right now, very tired."

With a heavy sigh, Wang Yi set her phone aside and headed to the bathroom for a much-needed shower. The warm water soothed her aching muscles, and before long, she found herself drifting off to sleep, the exhaustion of the day catching up with her.

It was nearly 3 AM when Wang Yi's eyes finally fluttered open. Reaching for her phone, she saw a message from Zhou: "Not yet, I have finished practice at 12 AM. Why didn't you reply my messages? Did you fall asleep?"

A pang of guilt and longing washed over Wang Yi. She missed Zhou terribly, missed their cozy apartment and their beloved cat, Diudiu. Without hesitation, she pulled up the CCTV feed from their home, smiling as she watched Diudiu curled up on the living room floor, fast asleep.

Needing to hear Zhou's voice, Wang Yi quickly dialed her number. "Ni hao, Zhou bao," she said softly. "Have you been sleeping?"

"Not yet," Zhou replied, her voice warm and familiar. "I just got home from practice. Are you okay? I was worried when you didn't reply."

Wang Yi felt her eyes sting with tears. "I'm okay, I just... I miss you. And Diudiu. I checked the CCTV and saw him sleeping, and I just wanted to talk to you."

Zhou's voice softened. "I miss you too, Wangyi. It's been too long since we've been home together. But we'll be back soon, I promise. In the meantime, why don't you get some rest? I'll go pose with Diudiu for the CCTV, just for you." She post the screenshot and sent it to fans to see.

As Zhou's gentle laughter filled the line, Wang Yi felt a sense of peace wash over her

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As Zhou's gentle laughter filled the line, Wang Yi felt a sense of peace wash over her. Snuggling deeper into the hotel bed, she knew that no matter how far apart they were, her heart would always be with Zhou and their beloved Diudiu.

The next morning, Wang Yi woke to the sound of a gentle meow. Sitting up, she noticed a notification on her phone from the CCTV camera in their apartment. Tapping it, she was greeted with the sight of Zhou Shi Yu, dressed in her favorite oversized sweater, cradling Diudiu in her arms and smiling at the camera.

"Good morning, my love," Zhou's voice came through the speaker. "I thought you might like to see your favorite boy. He's been missing you, just like I have."

Wang Yi felt a warmth spread through her chest as she watched the footage. Diudiu's eyes were closed, and he looked perfectly content in Zhou's embrace. She couldn't help but imagine herself there, nestled between her girlfriend and their cat, safe and at home.

"Thank you, Zhou bao," Wang Yi whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I miss you both so much. I can't wait to come home."

Zhou's smile deepened. "I know, Wangyi. But your work is important, and I'm so proud of you. Just focus on your schedule for now, and we'll be together again before you know it."

Wang Yi nodded, wiping the tears that had begun to fall. "I'll try. I love you, Zhou Shi Yu."

"I love you too, Wang Yi," Zhou replied, her voice warm and reassuring. "Now, go get some rest. I'll be waiting for you."

With a final wave, the feed cut off, and Wang Yi was left alone in the hotel room once more. But this time, the loneliness didn't feel as overwhelming. Knowing that Zhou and Diudiu were waiting for her, safe and sound, gave her a sense of comfort and belonging that she carried with her throughout the day.

As she went about her schedule, attending various fan events and rehearsals, Wang Yi found herself checking the CCTV feed at every opportunity. She watched as Zhou prepared their favorite meals, played with Diudiu, and even danced in the living room, her movements graceful and full of life.

Each glimpse into the life she longed for made Wang Yi's heart swell with love and longing. She couldn't wait to return home, to feel Zhou's arms around her and Diudiu's soft fur beneath her fingertips. The thought of being reunited with her loved ones gave her the strength to push through the long days and the exhaustion that weighed on her.

Finally, as the sun began to set on her last day in the city, Wang Yi made her way back to the hotel, her steps lighter than they had been in days. She quickly packed her bags, eager to start the journey back home, and as she waited for her car to arrive, she dialed Zhou's number once more.

"I'm on my way, bao," she said, the smile evident in her voice. "I'll be home soon."

Zhou's delighted laughter filled the line. "I can't wait, Wangyi. Diudiu and I will be waiting for you. Safe travels, my love."

As the car pulled away from the hotel, Wang Yi pressed her forehead against the window, watching the city lights fade into the distance. With each passing mile, her heart grew lighter, the longing for home and the familiar comfort of her life with Zhou and Diudiu becoming more and more palpable.

By the time the car pulled up to their apartment building, Wang Yi could barely contain her excitement. Rushing through the lobby, she practically ran up the stairs, fumbling with her keys in her haste to unlock the door.

And then, there they were. Zhou Shi Yu, standing in the entryway, her eyes shining with tears of joy. And at her feet, Diudiu, meowing loudly and weaving between her legs, his tail swishing back and forth.

"Wangyi!" Zhou cried, throwing her arms around her girlfriend and pulling her close. "You're home."

Wang Yi buried her face in the crook of Zhou's neck, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo and the warmth of her embrace. "I'm home," she whispered, her own tears of relief and happiness spilling down her cheeks.

Diudiu meowed again, as if to welcome her back, and Wang Yi reached down to scoop him up, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. In that moment, surrounded by the two most important beings in her life, Wang Yi felt a sense of wholeness and contentment that she hadn't experienced in weeks.

This was where she belonged – not in the bustling hotel room or the crowded stages, but here, in the cozy sanctuary of her home, with Zhou and Diudiu by her side. As they settled onto the couch, Wang Yi nestled between them, she knew that no matter how far she traveled or how busy her schedule became, this was always where her heart would return.

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