Meeting Parents

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You were the girlfriend of Zayn of One Direction

You guys be dating for 1 year and 1/2

You were meeting Zayn's parents because he kept pleading you to.

You loved him so you swiftly answer yes!

Right now you were in the car going to Bradford.

You were very nervous about this because it was your first time so you kept tapping your foot.

"(Y/N) if you keep on tapping your foot it's going to fall off"

"Very funny Malik I'm just so nervous meeting your parents what if they don't like me"

"Boo they will like you are pretty,smart,kind,warm-hearted"

You blushed at how Zayn talks about you.

10 mins later Zayn yells,"We're here"

Your nerves got working again as got out the car.

Zayn grab your hand and walked to the door. He hasn't knock and the door opens and there is Zayn's mother and young sisters.

"Zayn we miss you"

"Mom please stop I miss you too but (Y/N) is here" while pointing to you

"Oh my god you are prettier in person and by the way Zayn keeps talking about you all the time!" One of Zayn younger sister tells you.

You look up to Zayn and he was blushing a deep red! He was so cute.

Zayn's mother comes to you and traps you in a big bear-hug.

"Good afternoon Mrs.Malik"

"Oh dear call me Tricia"

You nod and smile. Then you met the rest of his family. You met his father Yaser and his three sister Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa. They were all nice people, before you knew it you were saying goodbye.

When you left their house Zayn asks you "hey boo was it bad"

"No I love your parents and your sisters are funny and so sweet"


"They are I love them also they told me about your past"

"What do you mean"

"Oh, I don't know they said something about you being scared of the dark and how you would cry all nigh long"

"They told you!?"


"I need to talk to those girls"

When you got home you both lay on the couch and fall asleep in each others arms


Yay I am on Spring Break Finally 😇

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