Deal Sealed

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A/N: notes at the beginning for a change because.. well, I gotta warn you. First of all, this is smut. WORDY smut. I think I went a biiiittt over. This is more or less 6500 words, so..sorry? Prepare yourself? Holy shit I hope it's not gonna be boring or disappointing guys. Let me know. Happy, late, 4th of July. HA.

Btw it's like 3.30am here so please forgive any mistakes, kay? 'kay. Byeeee


Okay, I swear I'm not usually a paranoid person, and if something feels weird I can usually point out what is really wrong and what just feels like it might be. With Mitch, for example, right now it's just..odd. I thought it might be, you know, with the whole awkward mess happening the other night, but things have been awkward in an... well, awkward way. Cut the rolling of the eyes, y'all, it's not really my fault if that's the only way to describe it.

I kind of regret the whole madness that went down that night, because if at the beginning I thought I was making him uncomfortable after going crazy over the news that he has what can help me get over this obsession - but now I think he's having some kind of revenge. What do I mean? Well, let me tell you. Mitch and I have always been very close, sometimes even more than normal people boundaries. But he has never whispered innuendos in my ears, unless they were a joke. But like I said, I'm not a paranoid person, and I can recognize that something is off.

For example, I don't remember ever feeling uncomfortable about Mitch coming over to my place, since we even lived together, but I guess there are first times for everything. I've never had the imagine of my best friend fucking me with his massive cock either, but life is full of surprises, right?

If a week ago someone told me something like that, I would've probably ended up in tears from laughing too much. Mind it, it's not like the thought of Mitch involved in sex is laughable - I have eyes an hormones too, and I can say without any problem that the boy is hot as fuck. And back in high school, during the whole discovering-myself-period of course the thought of Mitch and I crossed my mind - after all we were both hormonal gay teenagers, and it would have been so easy. But even then, when I knew nothing about sex except for what the internet was teaching me, I never, not even once, imagined Mitch as a top.

Of course, at the time it was fairly stupid of me, letting a bunch of preconceptions define my image of Mitch, especially about something so intimate, but no one ever said that teenagers are smart. During puberty our hormones are so in overdrive, I'm surprised I was even able to speak to a boy without staring at his junk. So, now I couldn't stop wondering, Would Mitch ever top? I don't even know why I'm losing sleep about it, because I really don't want to have sex with him.Do I? Well, I want to have sex with his cock, is that the same thing? I don't think so.

The sound of the ringbell distracts me from this weird train of thoughts, I go to open the door, quietly humming to myself. There he is, my best friend, holding in his hands two very large bottles of wine. I let him in with a grin, already forgetting the awkwardness that I've been feeling around him in the last few days.

"This is why you're my favorite" I tell him, clasping my hands joyfully, before taking the bottles from his outstretched hands. I then move from the entrance, trying to think where I put the corkscrew. I hear him chuckle lightly, his footsteps a little behind me as he follows me into the small kitchen.

"Yes, I know, there are just things that you can't help but love about me."

I stop midway through my research of the small utensil, his amused voice not enough to cover the small innuendo between his words. Because that's what it was, right? Dammit. I knew that, sooner or later, the awkwardness would fade away and that fucker would start using it against me. My best friend is an asshole. A cocky asshole, at that.

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