On top of a field of flourishing green grass lined with two seperate vertical rows consisting of five wooden oak benches each, and a pot of white roses accompaining every bench. A young couple stood at the roof of a wreath of white flowers, Serj and Mara. This was their once in a lifetime day but little did they know it was about the change the course of their whole life...
Above the soon to be wed couples heads towered a pair of two humongous trees, offering their leaves as shelter from the scalding sun, in the background extended a majestical forest that was well taken care to. Mara brought a hand to her forehead, wiping away little beads of sweat forming from the intense heat but also pressure. Serj noticed and reassured her, 'this day doesn't have to be perfect, it's suppoused to be a celebration of our love' he said with a slight smile. That's where the problem was. Because Mara had conflicting feelings about being with Serj, on one hand she loved him, she truly did... But she also had feelings for her co-worker, Gerard Way and was longing to be with him.
On the benches from Mara's side sat two of her bestfriends Luvy Diamond and Billie Idrion, from Serj's there was his group of bestfriends who were also his band members, Daron Malakian, Shavo Odadjian and John Dolmayan. There wasn't a lot of guests as many cancelled last minute but it was alright, they were celebrating this moment with those who truly cared.