Story of love

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Once upon a time Bill Kaulitz and Jess we're spot in a cozy cafe in the heart of the city, they were spotted in a deep conversation enjoy, laughing, smiles, enjoying each other's presents Bill with his charms and Jess in her own world the cafe was buzzing with their the laughter it was a warm connection between both of them as they continue laughing, sharing their love and blossom as a couple....

But that didn't last for long as they ended there honeymoon face....

He seemed like Bill and Jess hit a rough patch in their relationship as they continued getting arguments and fights but they did know arguments can be tough, but they ended up forgiving each other after each and each and each fight they had until one point Jess had enough That people had grow and understanding but bill didn't have that But hopefully they can come back on the other side

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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