06, Killing Someone Slow

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Nemo's POV.
I took a step back as I grabbed onto Silvester's hand.

"M-me??" Silvester trembled.

"It's not him!" I cried. I knew it wasn't him. I was the psychic, and I read his role last night. He's innocent!

"Oh, and how do you know this?" Natalia retaliated.

"I'm the psychic! He's innocent!" I replied.

"Okay, before we get ahead of ourselves, Natalia? What did you see Silvester do?" Tali asked.

"Well, as I said, he was walking around. I woke up to the sounds of footsteps, almost as if they were pacing. I heard a few things here and there before I decided to check out what the ruckus was about. It was about ten minutes to four, I saw Silvester as he turned the corner to the hallway that leads to the rec room. I swiftly shut the door, and about twenty minutes later, I heard Silvester walk down the hall again and close the door to his room." Natalia explained.

"Silvester? Care to explain?" Kenzy raised her voice.

"I-I don't know. I had passed out by 21:00." Silvester explained.

"It's not him! I'm telling you!" I spoke at once.

"Can anyone else confirm what Natalia said last night?" Ramo asked. Bambie raised their hand.

"I can. I had to use the restroom. It was a few minutes before the lights off period ended. I saw him, but I don't think it's him. He was slouching while walking. He was definitely not conscious." They replied. "Also, Natalia. Your story doesn't add up to what I saw and heard."

"Sounds like Silvester was sleepwalking." Aiko replied. "It checks out."

"I-I did wake up on the floor this morning." Silvester replied. I looked at him. He never told me that. Was he that exhausted?

"But why would he be sleepwalking at that time specifically?" Teemu asked.

"Are we just going to skim over what Bambie just said? What did you see Natalia do last night?" Hera asked.

"She was making a bit of a racket in her room for about fifteen minutes before I went to the bathroom and saw Silvester. It almost sounded like she was pacing."

Everyone gasped.

"Wait. That's kinda sus." Kohver spoke up. "Why would Natalia be up that late pacing in her room and then lie about it?"

There were whispers amongst everyone at this point. I grabbed Silvester's arm, showing him that I care and I'd do whatever it takes to keep him safe. He looked at me. His big blue eyes showed concern and fear. I knew he didn't want to get voted out here.

"Okay, so we have three suspects?" Teya asked.

"There's gotta be some evidence that clears one of them, right?" Michael Ross shrugged.


"Okay but they could be lying to cover for their boyfriend." Aiko rolled her eyes.

"You know, that's quite a harsh assumption to make, isn't it?" Kohver raised his voice.

"I'm just saying! It's what a killer would do!" Aiko snapped.

"Oh, and you seriously believe that innocent Nemo Mettler would kill someone? Be reasonable!" Kohver shouted back.

"The fact that you're covering for them this hardcore makes you look really suspicious, Kristjan." Aiko rolled her eyes.

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