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Charlotte still had nightmares. They weren't constant, sometimes she would go several nights without having one. When she did wake in the night, crying and frightened, Mia would hold her tightly in her arms and sooth her back to sleep. During her therapy sessions, Charlotte had realised that her belief that she was too damaged to be loved was just a lie she'd told herself, to try and shield her heart. Despite what had happened to her, Charlotte was determined to get back to the woman who always looked for the good in everyone.

Every day after work, she would look up to the sky and say thank you. Thank you for her wonderful friends and all the ways that they loved her. She knew she was loved when Marjorie brought her a treat after lunch. When Autumn lent her a book she'd read that had made her think of Charlotte. When Winter constantly kept an eye on her, thinking she didn't realise. When Reece asked for her advice, because she always knew what to say.

Her daughters were back with her for half of each week and every time she heard them laugh she felt grateful to be alive. She was excited to teach them about all of the good in the world and how to be strong.

Everything led back to Mia. Her warm embrace and her soft lips, her twinkly eyes and her cherry red hair. Charlotte was glad that Dom was no longer the last person to have touched her that way. She sought comfort in the softness of Mia's skin and the way in which their bodies intertwined perfectly.

She didn't always feel strong. Sometimes she felt tempted to give in to the anger that still sat within her heart. It really wasn't fair - she truly believed that. But no matter what, she knew she wasn't alone - she never had been. And she never would be.

Returning home one cold Friday evening, as she hurried towards her front door, Charlotte glanced through her window and felt peace in her heart.

A figure was twirling gracefully in the dimly lit lounge, waving their hands to a song Charlotte could just about hear.

Mia was dancing again.

I MIGHT SEEM SO STRONG - (MATURE & UPSETTING THEMES)Where stories live. Discover now