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"You'll never catch me hero!"

Jake has heard those words at least a hundred times now, said by different criminals who have committed different crimes. What they all have in common however was the fact that those words were often a lie.

As jake chased after the robber, his hands combust with flames. Suddenly the criminal was surrounded in a blazing ember.

"Ok maybe you can catch me, but do you think you can beat-"

Not letting the villain finish, jake punched him hard. Why waste his powers on someone who could be knocked out by a single punch? Soon the police rush in, while the chief turned to jake.
"Jino, good job as always. We'll take care of things from here."
The chief praised as they handcuffed the criminal. Right, when Jake is in his hero disguise he wasn't jake, but the number one unbeatable hero jino. Jake, or currently jino bowed before leaving the scene. He was just in the middle of lunch when the cop called him in to catch a nearby villain. Jino was use to it by now, but jake on the other hand really wanted some food. He didn't even get three bites before the hero company called! It is expected that he won't get any peace when he agreed to be a hero, but still...

Jake loves his job, helping others is natural to him at this point, but sometimes the company seems to rely on his too much just because he is currently the top hero in Korea. Finally reaching home, jake took off his hero costume and threw himself onto the bed. Maybe he'll just have cereal for lunch.
Although not even a minute later, the vibration coming from his phone made jake groan. And of course, it was another villain attack.
"Seriously? And just when I took off my suit as well? You have got to be kidding me..." Jake mumbled as he pushed himself up, grabbing his disguise before walking to the bathroom. It was probably just another robber or something, he'll just end this quick and get some rest.
Another thing about fire powers is that jino could use it like a jet pack, which meant he didn't have to take a taxi or run to wherever the villain was. Pretty convenient if you ask him. As jino flew through the sky, he noticed a cloud of smoke. Oh, so other heroes had came before jino. Then it should probably be solve by now.

Coming down, jino furrow his brows. What were these shadow things? He doesn't remember any hero who uses shadows, was there a new hero that the company didn't inform jino about? Upon closer inspection, jino got to the scene only to see unconscious heroes and policemen laying on the ground. In the middle stood a tall figure, dress in a black cloth that covered his whole body. He also had on a black gas mask, but what jino paid attention to was the shadows swaying below the stranger's feet. So The one responsible for this was him. Jino glared, flames surrounded him. Whoever this new villain was, he's going down.
Noticing the sound of flames, the villain turned his head making direct eye contact with the hero. Jino got into defense mode, waiting to see how the villain would attack. But he just stood there, staring at jino. What was he thinking? Was he going to attack jino or was he waiting for jino to attack first to analyze his powers. The hero bit his lip out of habit, not many could beat all these heroes alone.

Then, the villain raised his hand as he point at jino. Was he going to summon something? Maybe he was trying to curse him! The villain hands suddenly start to shake, and before jino could blink, the villain had sinked into the shadow, disappearing completely. What the hell?
"Fuck, I should have attacked when I had a chance.." jino mumbled under his breath. He hadn't expect the villain to disappear the moment he saw jino. As much as jino wanted to chase after the mysterious villain, he needed to help the fallen heroes and see if anyone was badly injured.

Whoever this new villain was, jino didn't have a good feeling about him at all.

"Oh my god! He looked at me! Jino looked at me for 59 seconds!" Riki squeal as he hugged his pushy, mr.puma, close. It was a duck plush, but Riki could call it anything he wants ok?
"Can you believe it mr.puma? Ahhhh, he looks so good in person, even with the mask! And those eyes, too bad I got too nervous to say anything..." riki sighed, looking at the plush in his arms. Hopefully riki didn't act weird in front of jino. He really did try to act normal, but....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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