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𝐈𝐓 was a normal evening at Hogwarts,the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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𝐈𝐓 was a normal evening at Hogwarts,the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.The students of the four houses just got back from their holidays,ready to start their next schoolyear.

The pile of little kids that would be sorted into their houses, gathered at the front of the great Hall, desperately waiting for the Sorting Hat to be placed onto their heads and telling them which house they belong in.

While all the older students where already seated, the Tables of Gryffindor and Slytherin,noticed two absent persons.

"Ron,Hermione!Where's Vicky?",whisper shouted Ginny over to her best friends.

"I have no idea.She sat with us in our compartment but said that she had to do someghing.I don't really know.",answerd Hermione truthfully,looking rather concernen,until she noticed Ron,casually eating without a care in the world.

"Ronald!How can you still be eating!You're best friend is missing!",Hermione shouted while hitting him with the book she had been reading,causing Ron to immediatly defend himslef.

"Ow!Hermione,where do you always get these bloody books from?!She will be there,don't worry!She's probably just in the bathroom.You should know how long women take!",he said with a shrug,earning him another slap with the book.

In the mean time,the Slytherins also noticed someones absence.

"Blaise!Where's Pansy?",whispered Draco.

"Man,i have no idea!",was all the boy got as an answer.

"I bet her girlfriend's shagging her",Matheo laughed out,also noticing that Viktoria wasn't there.

The Slytherins shared a good laugh at that,till through the silent doors on the sides of the Great Hall that nobody paid attention to,two persons slipped.

The Gryffindors watched as Viktoria re-did her tie,her face already back to its usual blank expression,while the Slytherins laughed and pointed at Pansy for looking so disheveld.

A loose hanging tie there,an opened blouse there and most importantly,the hickeys and lipstick smudges in dark red,vibrant on her neck and as some could see,even trailing down her clevage to her green lace bra.

"Where were you?!",whisper shouted Hermione now,while Viktoria cleaned her smudged lipstick edges with her perfectly manicured finger.

"Relax Hermione,I'm here now,right?",Vicky said in a relaxed tone,softly smiling and staring at the front of the great Hall,waiting for the end of the sorting ceremony so she could start eating.Of course she could could dig in now,but she thought that was rude.

Ron,still eating,didn't notice Viktoria,who took a seat next to him,until she snapped next to his head,to get him to acknowledge her.

Shrieking up,he now noticed her.
"Oi,mate,there you are!Hermione was so worried,it was bloody exhausting!",he complained to her while wildly gesturing with his hands that happened to carry his fork.
But unfortunatly,he forgot that exactly that, was one of her Pet-peeves.

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