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Hey pookies this one is Ai generated.........AGAIN...<3
But I have to write the script so I still did smt and I PAID MONEY FOR THIS SO PLEASE ENJOY<3

[]3rd person[]
Ranboo had always been drawn to Tommy. He couldn't help but admire the way the sunlight danced in Tommy's blonde hair, making it look like spun gold. And those piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through him, they had captured Ranboo's heart from the moment they met.

At first, Ranboo was content just being friends with Tommy. They would hang out together, play video games, and share secrets late into the night. But as time went on, Ranboo's feelings grew stronger. He found himself thinking about Tommy all the time, wondering what it would be like to hold his hand or feel his lips on his own.

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Ranboo started to take notice of Tommy's daily routine. He would follow him to class, sit behind him at lunch, and even wait outside his dorm room after hours, just to catch a glimpse of him. It wasn't healthy, Ranboo knew that, but he couldn't help himself.

One day, as Ranboo watched Tommy from a distance, he saw something that made his heart leap with joy. Tommy was looking back at him, a soft smile playing on his lips. Could it be possible that Tommy felt the same way about him?

Taking a deep breath, Ranboo gathered his courage and approached Tommy. "Hey, Tommy," he said, trying to sound casual despite the butterflies in his stomach. "Can we talk for a minute?"

Tommy turned to face him, his blue eyes filled with curiosity. "Sure, Ranboo. What's up?"

Ranboo took a moment to find the right words, his heart pounding in his chest. "I.I have something to confess to you," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been.stalking you. I know it's wrong, and I'm sorry. But I couldn't help it. I.I have feelings for you, Tommy. More than just friendship."

Tommy's expression softened, and he reached out to gently touch Ranboo's arm. "Ranboo, it's okay. I.I think I have feelings for you too. I've noticed you watching me, and I've been feeling the same way. I just didn't know how to tell you."

Ranboo's heart soared with hope as he looked into Tommy's eyes, seeing the truth reflected back at him. "Really? You.you like me too?"

Tommy nodded, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes, really. I like you, Ranboo. I like you a lot."

And just like that, the barriers between them crumbled, and they took a step closer to each other. Ranboo reached out to cup Tommy's cheek, his thumb brushing lightly over his soft skin. "I've been wanting to do this for so long," he whispered before leaning in to press his lips against Tommy's.

The kiss was gentle and sweet, full of unspoken words and untold feelings. And as they pulled back, their foreheads resting against each other, Ranboo felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had finally confessed his feelings to Tommy, and it had brought them closer together than ever before.

From that day on, Ranboo and Tommy's friendship blossomed into something more beautiful than they had ever imagined. They shared laughter, tears, and countless kisses, each one deepening their bond and solidifying their love for each other.

And as they walked hand in hand through the campus, their hearts full of hope and promise, Ranboo knew that he had found his soulmate in Tommy. And Tommy knew that he had found his as well in Ranboo. Their love story was just beginning, and the future held endless possibilities for them both.

And that is it hope yall enjoys............. R.I.P my money🙂......

639 Words🤨

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