Chapter 4: New Hollow Earth Journey & Godzilla's landfall in France

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Bernie had arrived at the Outpost with new information about the spikes on the seismometer. Ready to present to info to Andrews and Mark who also received the message that Bernie was here.

Bernie: Please take this wrong way, but can I just say, that your research library has many glaring omissions. I had to call in some serious favors from my Discord chat. They were not...

I. Andrews: Bernie do you have something?

Mark: Because we need info why Jia and my daughter are seeing these symbols.

Bernie: Yes, I've got something. I do have something. Whatever signal you guys are picking up, okay, we've have seen similar patterns repeating overtime. And each spike corresponds with a specific Titan event. Can you hold this, please? Thank you so much.

Bernie then handed his suitcase to Andrews for her to hold it for him.

Bernie: Okay, check this out. See this? King Ghidorah, huh? First encounter with Godzilla.

Mark and Andrews: Mm-hmm.

Bernie: Here, uh, discovery of Skull Island.

I. Andrews: All right. So what you're saying is that these signals aren't just random patterns.

Bernie: Yeah, it seems that way, yes.

Mark: And Godzilla's picking up on it.

Bernie: Oh, I can do you both better. Now, look, I've looked at the points of similarities in each wave form and I compared them to that pattern, and...

Mark and I. Andrews: Bernie, what are you trying to say to us?

Bernie: It's a distress call! It's a distress call. A psychic energy SOS. Now, if your daughters are seeing these symbols, then something down there is calling for help.

Mark and Andrews were surprised by this new info and they both knew that they would have to go to the Hollow Earth.

I. Andrews: Regular soundwaves, they can't propagate this far without decay. This? This is something we have never encountered. And it's getting stronger.

Hampton: You got a working theory?

Bernie: Yeah, telepathic alien language.

Mark: It's some sort of distress signal in the Hollow Earth.

A soldier by the name of Mikael was there listening on the conversation.

Mikael: Signal? From what?

Ilene Chen: Or from who.

Trapper: Well, whatever it is, this is way Godzilla is on the move?

I. Andrews: We can't say for sure what specific threat it is. But it seems to be worse then Ghidorah.

Hampton: Well, we have to figure this out fast.

Ling Chen: But at least we won't have to worry about the wolves at our door.

Bernie: Who are these "wolves"?

Ilene Chen: The government had been looking for an excuse to take over Hollow Earth operations but thankfully they stopped their plans after they realized Godzilla is important.

Hampton: And the corporations wanted that too but they stopped their plans as well.

Mikael: Yeah, because who want's to get rich and get rid of all the monsters that protect the planet? I mean, that'd be terrible, right?

I. Andrews: We better find the source before this new threat comes to the surface.

Hampton pondered whether she should give the group an operational expedition to Hollow Earth, before deciding that was best to give them the operation.

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