Ja'Aliyah Haughton

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Jaaliyah POV

It's a beautiful Wednesday night here in my beloved city of New York I just made it home from work and I am very exhausted well off to bed I go goodnight

Next Morning

Jaaliyah POV

I have time off I was making breakfast until I heard my mothers song on the radio ...I never met her but I heard wonderful things about her we look so much alike it's crazy but in a good way she would've been proud to see me if she was alive today but it's ok we also would have so much to talk about as well I'm also staying in my mothers old condo apartment in manhattan

So she ate her dinner and came to do her workout it's how she stay fit she was only 23yrs olds ...she had friends but only trusted 2 of her friends since childhood

Once liyah finished her workout she showered and started her day After a good minute she walked out of her apartment and got on the elevator to walk outside

Many people came up to her asking for a picture because looked so much like her mother liyah adored children and was a people's person at heart

Daya POV

There is my best friend that I love so much she is so loved here in New York and all over the world her mother would be proud of her

Daya: how you been

Liyah: I've been good how about you

DayA: pretty good

Liyah: that's good I haven't seen you in awhile

DayA: yea I had to handle some issues

Liyah: everything ok

Daya : yes everything is fine now ...but Les catch up

So that's what they did they caught up with one another and it was great seeing each other after six months

Daya POV

I have been avoiding this I know it'll break up liyahs heart but I can't keep this in anymore

Daya came to her apartment and knocked on the door liyah opened the door

Liyah: oh hey what's up

Daya: there's something I have to tell you

Liyah: ok what is it

Daya: I've been avoiding it for to long I just have to tell you

Liyah: Daya you scaring me now what is it

Daya: well you know my friend jules that you gotten to know

Liyah: yes

Daya: I hate to tell you this but she's been messing around ....with your boyfriend the past six months remember that issue I told you about yea that's why

Liyah: why couldn't she tell me

Daya: she felt the need not to tell you so basically she doesn't feel bad about it

Liyah: thank you for telling me I'm not upset with you for not telling me but I am heart

Daya: you a such a beautiful person

Liyah: u don't hate anyone but I am hurt about it

Daya: ok and there's another thing they're both actually coming here

Liyah: oh well you got to hide so they won't know you're hear

Daya: ok I'll hide in your room

Liyah: good idea

So while Daya did this it was a knock on liyahs door she answered to see her boyfriend and Jules ....they both came out and confess it was not the reaction they were expecting but she kindly asked them to leave and hope they have a wonderful future together

Daya: girl you better than me his ass would've got cut and stuff be thrown out

Liyah: that's why I love you so much but I wouldn't have the heart to do it

Daya: I know but I got you back if you ever need me for anything

Liyah: I know Daya you don't have to remind everytime

They both laughed at the thought but it wasn't worth liyahs time or energy she was a good/nice person but she did have a sassy side to her

A few days later

Liyah POV

I was sitting in the balcony listening to music and just enjoying this beautiful day we have today

Suddenly the phone ringed and it was Daya best friend who slept with her boyfriend her and her ex got arrested they wanted liyah to bail them out

Liyah frozen for a minute and hung up the phone she couldn't believe it then the phone ringed again and this it was Daya saying she already took care of it so she wouldn't have that stress on her

Liyah: you're a lifesaver

Daya: I know but I have to go I'm about to cuss her out to see what happened

Liyah: Goodluck with that

Daya: thanks I'm going to need it

She ended the call and came to turn the music off she was having a jamming section but she had to go out and run some errands for a bit

She was about to head to the car to run her errands people were already outside snapping pictures of her as she waved to the camera

She took a couple picture with the fans who were fans of her mother ....one person gave her a drawing of her mother and said she resembles her so much and she felt the love

After that she came grocery shopping and did some shopping adding a few more details to her condo she wasn't moving no time soon or ever she loved her condo home that her mother used to live in and now she cherish it forever and will forever call it home

Liyah was a foodie she loved food and to eat food was everything to her so she of course bought a lot of food for the house and snacks as well

Liyah POV

One thing I'm going to do is eat and have snacks in my home I am a foodie I love to eat I always get excited for lunch and dinner so I have a lot of grocery

She came to the check out and paid for everything then she came home for the rest of the day.

Next Chapter Is Coming

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