Chapter 1: Pilot

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I have never read or watch Oshinoko, but after the support I decided to go through with this and see how it goes

So for the first chapter let's try to get 40 votes, for more

Ayanokoji pov:

It has been 11 years since Ai's death. Today marks our first day at Yotaka High School. Ruby is resolute in her quest to fulfill Ai's dream, aspiring to become a legendary idol. Aqua has been deeply involved with the director, acting in various films and connecting with actors and actresses like Kana Arima, Frill Shiranui, and Scylla Shiranui. As for me, occasionally I will assist in directing movies, but mainly I have meticulously planned to ensure that Aqua and Ruby do not suffer the same fate as Ai. It's a calculated decision, the least I can do in acknowledgment of everything Ai did for us.

"Ruby, Beryl. Let's get a move on," Aqua called from the stairs.

My name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, and I have been reincarnated as Goldenberyl Hoshino. In this new life, I'm a lot taller than I was before. Despite being the youngest of the three of us, I'm the tallest, standing at nearly 6 feet.

I was standing in front of the mirror, tying my hair into a man bun, leaving two purple strands hanging in front.

"Coming! Beryl, quit monologuing and hurry up!" Ruby shouted as she dashed past the bathroom and down the stairs.

I sighed and finished adjusting my hair. It was mostly yellow with purple locks, and I had striking purple eyes like Ai's. My reflection showed someone who looked confident and composed, a stark contrast to the thoughts constantly running through my mind.

As I headed downstairs, I couldn't help but think about the promise I made to myself. I would not let Aqua and Ruby suffer the same fate as Ai. It was a calculated mission, driven by my sense of duty and the debt I felt I owed her.

Aqua was already by the door, checking his phone, probably reviewing his lines for his next movie. Ruby was tying her shoes, her excitement palpable as she looked forward to another day closer to her dream of becoming an idol.

"Isn't your skirt a little too short?" Aqua asked, his tone slightly disapproving.

"Geez, you know you sound like an old man. So nit-picky about these sorts of things," Ruby rolled her eyes, dismissing Aqua's comment.

I observed Ruby's attire, analyzing the situation. "I agree. The skirt is indeed too short; it may not present the desired image, if your showing off those hairy thighs." I stated with a calculated tone, emphasizing the potential impact on her appearance and reputation.

"MY THIGHS ARE NOT HAIRY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Ruby sarcastically exclaimed, her reaction predictable but inconsequential to my analysis.

"And you need to learn to quit being so blunt!" Ruby continued, frustration evident in her voice. "I honestly never understood what girls see in you."

I remained composed, unaffected by her emotional outburst. "Let's focus on the task at hand and proceed with our plans," I suggested, redirecting the conversation to the upcoming day at school.

Ruby then glared at me and retorted, "Says the guy that spends hours in front of the bathroom mirror monologuing!"

I maintained my composed demeanor, unfazed by Ruby's attempt to divert the conversation. "Personal reflection and preparation are key to effective decision-making," I replied calmly, acknowledging her jab with a rational perspective.

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