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Scene 3
Louis' house / 12:30 pm / Los Angeles

LOUIS: (sighing) "alone again"

Louis gets up and puts his phone on his speaker, music on shuffle

Photograph by ed sheeran starts to play

LOUIS: (singing along) "loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes. but it's the only thing I know"

Louis slumps down in the couch. His eyes start to water as he remembers harry and the things they used to do.

LOUIS: (sniffles, sad) "so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans," (chocks back a sob) "and if you hurt me, that's okay baby..." (Breaks down)

Louis starts to cry as the song continues to play threw letting out little mumbles of "harry" once and a while

LOUIS: (frowns, gets up from the couch) " eat shit ed sheeran" (grabs his phone off the speaker)

Scene 4
Louis' house / 3:30 pm / Los Angeles

LOUIS: (flipping threw the channels) "what the fuck is botched?"

LOUIS: (cringes) " oh my god what happened to your face!" ( someone starts knocking on the door) "jesus , it's almost as bad as zayn's dancing"

The knocking continues before it annoys Louis.

LOUIS: " I'm coming! Shut the fuck up!"

Opens the door to find harry standing there with various junk food in his hands.

LOUIS: (shocked) "what are you doing here harry?"

HARRY: " I..um..wanted come over to hang out"

LOUIS: "oh"

HARRY: "yeah--so can I maybe come in?-"

LOUIS: (realizes) "oh shit..right"

HARRY: (steps under Louis arm, takes off his boots and leaves them by the door)

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