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My hands start sweating, my head starts pounding, my stomach starts twisting and turning as if i'm flipping repeatedly, my heart starts beating faster and faster and faster until it feels as if it's about to break out of my chest, my body feels lighter as if i'm levitating. It might seem that I've just gone into cardiac arrest and ascended into heaven, that's not what's happened, well only one part of that is false as I feel I've just seen an angel, Tyler Andrews just walked into the cafeteria. Sorry, sorry, i got distracted, i'm meant to do an introduction... alright let's see well. My name is Mia Harper, I am currently a junior residing in Eastview High, it's as posh as it sounds— the best public school in the area. What else... what else... oh right i am absolutely infatuated with Tyler Andrews practically star struck. I really don't mean to make him my whole personality, believe me there's a lot more to me but that's currently all i my mind is filled with.

"God, she's gawking again" a voice says as she playfully rolls her eyes.

"I mean, I don't blame her." another voice says as they shrug, giggling at the expression that was displayed and her face along with me practically drooling.

The two people that just talked were Amber Sanchez and Jessalyn Fockner, they are my two closest friends. We met back in the beginning of high school, the start of freshman year—it seems as fate put us in the same mentor group along with the same geography, pe and maths. We ended up in a geography project together and just stuck ever since. Love them to death but i can't forget to introduce dream boat i am currently drooling over, that is Tyler
Andrews. He is the captain of the lacrosse team, and the most desirable boy in this school. You might think "Mia you're insane! He's the most popular guy in this school and you think you have a chance?" Am I truly just delusional? In my humble opinion—no, the reason being my family, the Harper's and his, the Andrews, were pretty well acquainted couple years back, ok well perhaps a decade back. His mother was close to mine which ultimately led us to becoming good friends but then we stopped as Mrs Andrews got into an accident, that's really all i've heard about it, but my luck led me to coincidentally joining the same high school as him.

"This is the year." I announce in a daze, keeping my focus on Tyler. Amber and Jessa both straighten up in their seats a bit.

"He's a senior now, this is his last year. I have to start to make a move now or else... i might never be able to" i stop, feeling my sudden burst of confidence slowly drip away after saying my thoughts out loud. "What am I saying, there's no way." I slump down on the table, my mood quickly going from 100 to 0.

"Oh c'mon now girl." Amber says, "If you think about it, the hunk got not one clue that you're Mia Harper from his childhood does he?"

"Right! Try to bring that up casually, maybe that'll form a spark." Jessa adds on nudging me playfully.

"That was ages ago, I doubt he remembers anything from then. Even my memories are in a blur.'' I let out a deep breath. Everyday I would try so hard to search through my brain to look for more moments i've had with him, although they usually came in small little segments or pieces that i can't even determine actually happened or was just a fragment of my imagination. Curse my prepubescent child brain for not remembering these important events.

Jessa leans in "Do you really want him or not?"

"I do." Subconsciously inching back a bit.

"Then don't think and go for it!The worst that could happen is that he says no." Jessalyn is a really great motivator—I've lost count of all the times she has taken me out of the dumps and changed my low to an immediate high fueled with a flare of motivation.  I'm honestly sure she could make a living as a motivational speaker. We've joked about her being on TedTalks but really I'm convinced she'd be awesome at it. Although it is mostly a good thing it's not great for certain situations, well she pushes me to do everything—and that's really not the best thing for someone like me who is easily influenced.

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