The next day
Ding dong
Hobi went to open the door with Taehyung in his arms
Jin: hello tae
Hobi: hello
He entered inside and they both sat on the couch
Hobi: you want something to eat
Jin: no, tell me how's your relationship
Hobi: good
Jin: why are you lying hobi I can see that marks
Hobi: Hyung but mom said always listen to your husband and satisfy him
Jin: you are so innocent hobi
Night time
Yoongi came back and they had their dinner then hobi put tae to the bed and came to their room
Yoongi: come baby
Hobi went to him
Yoongi: so jin came today
Hobi: yes *put his head on his chest*
Yoongi: he told you something bad about me right?
Hobi: n-no
Yoongi: don't lie , don't listen to him I love you
Hobi: I love you too
Yoongi: and baby we get that deal
Hobi: really I'm happy for you
Yoongi: not happy for me but happy for us , baby let's go shopping tomorrow
Hobi: Okie , I love you, goodnight
Yoongi: me too baby , goodnight
After hobi slept yoongi went to the balcony and called someone
On call
Namjoon: hello
Yoongi: hello, I call you to tell you something
Namjoon: what is it
Yoongi: tell jin not to tell anything bad about me to my husband
Namjoon: I told him
Yoongi: bro he again did the same
Namjoon: ok I think he needs to learn his lesson
Yoongi: right
Then he cut the call
Next morning
Hobi: hubby get up time for office
Yoongi: isn't it Sunday baby *pull him back*
Hobi: really
Yoongi: of course, since you woke me this early give me a morning round
Hobi: I'm really sore please
Yoongi: ok , come sleep
Hobi: no I have to make breakfast and tae is about to wake up I can't
After sometime
Right now hobi came from taes room after putting him for his afternoon nap
And he went to living room where yoongi was
He sat on the couch and started the tv then yoongi put his laptop aside and grabbed hobis both wrists from one hand and other hand in his shirt while sucking his neck