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More than four acres of land were enclosed outside, and each family was given two or three acres, and the rest was used to supplement the courtyard at the entrance of the village. That's why the people at the entrance of the village were so generous to let them move in.

The villagers' own residential land was also exchanged, and what was exchanged were labor and wall bricks. Few people exchanged for food. As long as the land outside was fenced off, there would be no need to worry about food. They knew this very well.

After the second crop of grain was harvested, Yang Dachuan went out to help when he had time. The land that Xu Lin and his team had enclosed was not very large, so they only had to build an arc-shaped wall. They first used the tea oil left at home and various firewood they had collected to light the enclosed land, and carefully watched to prevent it from going out. With the fire, sea rats, snakes and insects outside could not get in temporarily. They called on many people, and quickly built the foundation of the wall and laid the bricks. In just ten days, the entire wall was built to a height of one meter. At this time, the bricks they had demolished from their homes were almost used up, and they had to tear down the original wall and build it on the new foundation. It took nearly twenty men a month to build a wall of more than four acres of land and no more than two hundred meters long.

Although the wall was repaired, except for the newly allocated three acres of land, Xu Lin and his family were left with nothing, and all their belongings were destroyed. But no one was hurt. Although snakes and rats got in during the construction of the wall, everyone was careful and no one was bitten.

"What's going on in the village now?" Yu Ge'er pushed his own boss. They were busy building the courtyard wall outside. Wasn't the village also busy building the wall?

"Stop now, why are you still arguing?" The land enclosed in the village is large, dozens of acres, and it is impossible to take care of it all at once. A few days ago, a group of sea rats and snakes jumped into the village and someone was bitten. Although Uncle Shan removed the snake venom in time, the person's health is not as good as before. Now the villagers are in a panic and say that they want to reduce the size of the enclosed land. They are still discussing it!

"They are too ambitious. How can they take care of dozens of acres of land?" Grandma Shen shook her head, disapproving. "They enclosed such a large piece of land. Are they planning to never go out again? They don't want the fields outside. They just stay in the village and eat and wait for death?"

Chapter 59: Pickled Cabbage

So Yang Dachuan didn't want to go in and help them. He just wanted to eat it till he became a fat man. Now, he got swallowed!

Yu Ge'er turned to Dachuan and asked, "Why are we worrying about that? What are Xu Lin and his family going to do? Now they don't even have a brick left?"

Speaking of this, Yang Dachuan was also worried for them. Originally, the village said they wanted to enclose dozens of acres of land, so they would have to make bricks themselves. Xu Lin and his family were counting on building a kiln to make bricks, but they didn't expect so many things to happen within less than a month of starting the construction, and the cave house hasn't even been built yet.

The few new families who moved here are now staying in the old yard. They have no houses left in the village, and they have no place to stay here. They are stuck in the middle of nowhere, which is really pitiful!

However, those families are all hardworking people. Although they have not yet bought a house, they have already planted rice in the newly enclosed land. Although they are more than a month later than them in planting the seedlings, if they succeed, Yang Dachuan and his family can start planting the third crop of rice next year.

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