I don't want to walk in this maze

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Notes from your writers:

The love circle?
Margot➡Daniel➡Tifanny➡Benjamin➡Summer➡Liam➡(To start)
*Jackson is gay for Liam

Hopes this clears things up for you before diving into this amazing story😃Enjoy!✨

"I don't want to walk in this maze
Not that I know everything but
Just as I want it, say it, say it back
Oh, say it ditto
I want you so, want you, so say it ditto"
~Newjeans, Ditto english translation

At random hallway~

"THIS PABO(dummy in korean)! COME BACK!"

Summer chased Benjamin all the way down the hallway as he teased her, provoking her even more. He could feel the heat radiating from summer (pun intended), fury lit in her eyes. 


Pouncing right on top, they both toppled down, with Summer grabbing her well deserved ice cream out of his hands. Staring at her beautiful lips for a full 10 seconds (Slow-mo effect on hehe), Benjamin felt his heart race, a light blush staining his cheeks. WAIT why was he feeling like this again? Completely oblivious, Summer continued to slurp at her icecream, unaware of the blush staining Ben's cheeks.

Contrary to common belief, there was NOTHING romantic about this. Summer was literally trying to punch him in his face. Not paid enough to take care of this 5 year old nuisance hun. (#justice for summer), of course she had to fight for her precious ice cream (Ben alw tak- steals her things). However, like any other love-struck puppy Ben was always thinking of new ways to get her attention.

"mA chEriE (my love in french), whatchu looking at?"

Realising that Ben (short for Benjamin) was still in a daze, she took the chance and smacked him lightly before racing off to find Margot at the combined sports meet, her giggles (more like cackles) echoing through the empty hallway. Rubbing his head sheepishly, Ben finally came back to his senses, the sides of his mouth unable to come back down to maintain his poker face. (for bad boy effect cos who doesn't want to be a bad boy?)

"What was that all about huh."

Creeping up behind Ben, Daniel sneakily whispered behind him, a knowing smirk on his face as he replayed a video of what had just happened on his phone, laughing like there's no tomorrow.  "Can't believe anyone can get you so flustered like that. I guess Summer's too hot for you to handle." (I swear the number of Summer puns here HAHAHA)


Feeling like he wanted to die of embarrassment, the boys tackled each other to the ground. But of course with all arguments with crackheads like this, Daniel had to delete the smoky hot video, in exchange for a month's play on Ben's Nintendo.

"Bye bye Benny bunny."

Rolling his eyes, Ben cat walked down the hallway back to the field to assemble. But behind that poker face, between you and me, we both know that Ben was replaying that scene in his head for god knows how many times.

At field~ 

"Heyyy how's my fav gurl doing?" 

Summer whipped around, her cheeks going red as she met the hazel eyes of Liam (obv a 175cm god with bronze skin coz our gurl's got standardsssss), who smiled at her, his pearly whites showing with a slight dimple on one side showing up, which instantly one shotted Summer.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you, Summer?" Liam smiled down at her, tilting her chin up. While this may seem like Liam was flirting, Liam was just like that to everyone. Summer knew that, and yet the butterflies in her stomach turned into a WHOLE FREAKIN ZOO, gazing dreamily into his chocolate brown eyes.

Soon, Liam rushed over to Margot, his eyes able to light up the whole city, yapping enthusiastically to Margot. The brightly lighted up fire in Summer's eyes were soon distinguished in a breath. She knew that even though Liam seemed to flirt with every girl, he treated Margot differently from the rest and that he obviously liked her since the start. Unknown to Liam, Summer had noticed it all. Liam would like to gossip with her, leaned back a little when he noticed that he was blocking his view, even saving up money right now to get a NewJeans album for Margot, etc... She understood it, saw how he sparkled in each Margot's presence, yet why did it hurt so bad?

The worse thing was that: Margot didn't even like Liam. She liked DANIEL.

Meanwhile, out of Summer's line of sight, Benjamin and Jackson were glaring at them behind a pillar (peak stalker behaviour), jealousy emanating out of them in waves. 

"Bro why you letting him touch your gurl?" Jackson asked with a half smirk. Caught off guard, Ben tripped, lost his balance and toppled to the ground, pinning Jackson to the ground too.

"Bro why you letting him touch others?" Benjamin shot back, glancing at Liam, knowing full well of Jackson's crush on the 175cm bronze warrior.  

"Get your filthy hands off me." Jackson mumbled, smacking Ben's hand away, he rolled over to one side and brushed the dirt of him and started making gagging sounds. Ben laughed proudly, "Can't resist my rizz huh?"

"I would rather be straight at this point." Jackson smirked, helping Ben get up from the ground. (i swear THEIR CHEMISTRY)

In the locker rooms~

"Hey Tiff," Daniel leaned on one of the lockers, watching as Tiffany pulled out a pair of spiked shoes. "Just a random thought: Do you have a crush on anyone?" Dan asked, holding his breath in a mix of fear and excitement, his heart pounding so fast like it was about to burst. Clenching his sweaty fist, he prayed that Tiffany would say no, eyes glinting with hope.

Tiffany blushed scarlet, averting her eyes, did she make it too obvious that she liked Ben? "Erm maybe" She whispered before blushing a deeper shade of red, "I gotta go buy some oily oil!" Quickly pulling on her shoes, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and scurried off, embarrassed by the random excuse she just made to get herself out of the situation. Oily oil?? What even was that?? Next she'd be drinking "watery water".  Daniel blinked, confused. So does she like me or not??

Suddenly, Ben rushed in like a bullet train, ready to change out of his stinky and sweaty jersey that was sticking to his skin. 'Gosh I feel like jumping into the pool right now. I feel like I'm on fire. I mean I'm always hot, what am I talking about. Today's training was brutal, oh yea, where is my bag in the first place, where am I even going?' Getting lost into his own thoughts and slowly zoning out...


Losing her balance, Tiff fell forward, squeezing her eyes shut to avoid impact and falling head over heels (literally) for Ben she landed in his arms. Opening her eyes slowly, she was met with Ben's beautiful hazel brown eyes and his sharp jawline (someone's been mewing lately), everything around her slowing to a crawl as she stared into Ben's emerald eyes like a lovestruck puppy. Tiff could feel the heat radiating from her checks and ears. Cupid's been busy recently.

"Falling for me much?"

Ben teased as he propped Tiff back up to her own two feet. Finally snapping back into reality, Tiff touched her checks, as hot as the sun by now. "I...I...yea! Need to buy oily oil!" Stuttering, she hastily made her way back out of the locker rooms, almost tripping on a random calculator again. You're on my mind, I never feel alright, Ben.

Looking afar at Tiff's figure in the distance, she left before Daniel could even ask her if she was ok. But at this point, Daniel could feel the seed of jealousy growing in him. She was his one and only chemical hype girl and no one could steal her from him. Dan stared daggers at the innocent (and completely oblivious) Ben, who was in his own world again. (Sigh men)

[End of chapter 1]

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