Me:Hey guys, I'm back!!!-voice echos through room- I'm so lonely..But whatever I'll add people as the questions go on...
Killer:-pops out of nowhere-HAI!!!
Me:-jumps-Dont do dat!!!
Killer:-climbs out of barrel-(OH NO DA BARELLS) I thought you were going to say, DON'T DO DIS!!!!
Me:-face palms-Why are you here anyway?
Killer:-smiles-I have a question.What is yo darkest secret?
Me:Well....I mean for you is that I'm not innocent and u know Dirty stuff...but not as much as Ender,You or Shay...
Me:That is it for now but make sure to ask me anything!!! I'll try to add someone new each chapter!!
Ask Shebrine!!!
RandomAsk me anything about my life,family, books,friends...Anything and I'll try to answer it!