Dream 6.1 || June 1st - 8th

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Hello, and welcome to the newest part of the latest dream!

Sadly, for whatever reason, we must say goodbye to the following members

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Sadly, for whatever reason, we must say goodbye to the following members. (If you are on this list and do not know why, please check Discord!)

⭐ N/A

However, let's welcome those who have passed their trial and become full-fledged club members, welcome new books that old members have added, or welcome back old members who are new once more :D

⭐ Let's welcome flamesword01 to Iron Orchids
with their NA Action/Adventure book, The Unmarked Swordsman!

⭐ Let's welcome -DeeIsDead- to Runebound oaks
with their NA Romantasy book, An Order of Death!

Davrielle has swapped their book to the
Adult Historical Fiction Ravensdale

Silverdawn284 has swapped their book to the
NA Historical Fiction The Slave's Gladiator

DrizzleTheWolf has swapped their book to the
YA Fantasy A Drizzle of Home

avadel has swapped their book to the
YA Dark Fantasy Of Whispers and Daggers

AmeliaCrossGE has swapped their book to the
NA Fantasy Humor Daydream

Grab a bucket of popcorn and buckle up for tales of bribery and betrayal, of secret meetings in the dark. You can never tell when a Guild will shut its doors or a whispered word finds its chosen mark.

⭐ From the depths of the art gallery, a true scholar arises. With a silver pen in one hand and a peanut-pommeled sword in the other, AmeliaCrossGE rises to conquer and critique. The guilds cheer to welcome their first Silvertongue Slayer.

⭐ The warrior with the midnight blade looks around at his troves of treasure. His questing rewarded him well, and now he has a problem piles of coins high: however to spend it all? Dropping less than half of his fortune into a wizard's hands, doodooferguson transforms into a Dragon.

⭐ The treasure hunter leans over his map, his finger dragging to an old, deserted island. Five gold could buy him a sailboat sturdy enough to get him there. Five gold, and he'd be there before anyone caught on. Under the cover of midnight for the last time, DrizzleTheWolf departs for the Island of Ashen Dragons.

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