buddies...(flashy backy)

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"take me instead. Stop it! Let go!"

"V, please... You don't need to- please just leave me behind and take N and J."

"I'm not letting them hurt you more."

"V.... Please..."

"V's right, Uzi. Your mother would've wanted you to survive."

The 3 people who are talking now, are Me, a brave girl named V, and a Kind boy named N.

They were in the same experiment chamber as me. Before I even thought of escaping that time, I made .... What's that word. Friends? Yes, Friends.

Though the happiness was short lived after the scientists began to pick subjects to test on, most of the subjects didn't even survive, but me, N, V, survived, somehow, after they infected us.

Why? Why must you... Choose me? Didn't you already have enough with my mother?

"Uzi? UZI??"

"She fainted. This subject is useless, bury her."

As soon as V and N heard those words, they immediately started thrashing in the scientist's grip, trying to hold them back with their puny strength.

Suddenly, their eyes flashed yellow and immediately tore through the scientists' arms, unfortunately.... Detaching themfrom his body.

Discarding the shriek of pain and horror, blood spraying everywhere like a whole ass video game.... they slaughtered everyone mercilessly.

Not even the other experimenters in the lab were sparred.

I don't know...

They carried me to the entrance (well V did) it was dead quiet and isolated.

Did they really kill everyone?

"We should split up."

"V? Why?"

"N, it'll cause us less trouble, idiot. They'll be able to easily experiment again with all of us in a group, they'll want all of us to be together."

"But VVVVV-"

V threw a pilot hat at N's head.

"We'll all meet again one day, won't we? right uzi?"

"Sure.... I'll come back stronger than all of you by the way, if your in danger, I'll find you!"

"Sure sure, just don't let Cyn get to your head or anything, it would suck."

"I'm not that stupid."

"Well, you aren't but N is."

"I sure am!"

"Maybe, we could hang out more..? We can go to a city for a few days then split up?"

"N, please. How about we split up now?"

"VVV pleaseee can we spend more time together before we leave? Do you want us gone secretly"

V points her syringe tail at N's neck, making him flinch.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I just.... Want you and Uzi so be safe, plus, if we all cross paths again, I'll definitely have the cure to the solver, instead of that lousy cross."

I clapped my hands.

"Then, we could all be normal and hang out without any worries again!"

"So, once we arrive into a city, N will go north, I'll go West, and Uzi will go South."

So, me and N and V, were walking, yes, barefoot and in long shirts and bandages, but we washed up on a river.

You see, the effect of the solver turned V and N into monstrous yet very lovable murder machines.

But... Permanently caused their eyes to be yellow, and regenerative skills.

For me, I am the host. Though my tail is different from the syringe tails they have, I have stabbed the cross in my neck to subdue the solver for awhile.

It hurt like a bitch, but other than that, I'm fine.

There were other test subjects that made it out alive... I think their names were...

"Doll? J?"

"Yes! They escaped too, Doll has the same cool witch powers as Uzi! And J has the same condition as us!"


""Hm"? Is that all you have to say V!? WE COULD FIND THEM TOO!"

"Gah, I think they're better off without your hyperactive-ness and yelling"


"There is also Lizzy and Thad, and Rebecca, but Rebecca was torn to pieces by me accidentally"

"What did you do to Rebecca Uzi?!"

"I got a little hungry. It was an accident though..."

"V, weren't you friends with Lizzy and Thad"

"Yes but, the doctors couldn't let me talk to them anymore when they started their experiment."

"Well. At least you have us! For now..."

"To be honest, once we split up, I'll miss you guys, N, V."

I stopped walking and pulled them into a hug.

"I'll miss you both... Just... Stay alive for me to see you both again, ya?"

"Sure, Uzi! I love doing anything!"

"Why not, idiot..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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