Epsiode 194

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Everyone was sleeping after the whole parting
Luffy: Great! There you are! He walked to where the rest were sleeping
He woke up Nami
Nami: What.
Luffy: Go wake everyone up! Quick!
Nmai: But why?
LuffyV Shh! Cause we're gonna steal the gold and run!
Nami: There's gold? Where?
Luffy: Hey quiet, loudmouth!
Nami: Loudmouth, huh! She hits him you're a whole lot louder than me, Luffy!
Luffy: No way! Just listen to yourself!
You know what you are, Nmai! Loud!
Nami: What? You're calling me loud? You have some nerve, you hypocrite!
You're super loud.
Luffy: oh yeah well, you're super mega ultra-loud. That's why you're yelling!
Nami: The only reason I'm yelling is so you can hear me over your incredibly loud voice!
Usopp: Would you two shut up? I'm trying to sleep over here! He hits Chopper.
Chopper: Usopp, why did you hit me?
They were all yelling well the four of them
Man: Man those blue sea people do know how to party alright.
Man 2:: After four days of this you think they'd be worn out? There's no way they can be human.
Luffy: So then that's the plan, guys.
Usopp: Think he's right gang! It's not every day we get to go to an island in the sky, so let's make this trip worthwhile.
Stella: After the day we have been through we kinda deserve it.
Sanji: Oh Stella-sama you're so right
Chopper: Mind They're so cool.
And this is exciting.
A/n I don't really feel like doing the Whole Snadorian, spypiea part so will all be skipped. Gan was asked to h
Stay while seeing how there we no need for a guard anymore Laki helps Aisa with her hair telling her that she can be more ladylike and not have to fight anymore and she can be a kid and the Shandirans can find the bell and see what their ancestors were keeping scared all this time and Robin was able to find new information which I will be doing.
Man: You call this a "rubber band"?
Usopp: Yeah and here's a little inside information about them these babies are the primary things that took down Giant Jack.
And I'm the only one in the world who has them!
Man: Wow. They were fascinated by it.
Usopp: But wait, there's more! Namely...Heh heh! This piece of Mental! Gather round folks and take a gander! This is no ordinary piece of metal, no siree!  If came from our valiant vessel the Going Merry! It withstood the Grand Line and Enel Attacks with barely a stretch. This here's the "King of Metal sheet!: and just think about it it can all be yours.
How about it? Wanna trade some of your dials for this?
Man: No not really. Buy I'll gladly trade you for this rubber band!
Usopp laughing.
Zoro: Water! Light! Fire! Their shapes can change.
Cut. With one swipe and a little tap, h3 was able to cut a rock
Usopp: oh I'm so lucky.
Zoro: You sure are in a good mood, Usopp. I'm assuming that your trading went well.
Usopp: yes. Just look at all the dials I got. Just one little press and Voila!
Zoro: Well good for you!
Usopp: You mean great! I can do so many things with them. The old Usopp workshop gonna be totally revolutionized! You know what I could to store smells in your sword!  That way you'll smell fresh-cut melons every time you practice! Sounds go
Zoro: No thanks
Usopp: Speaking of weapons I'm gonna use them to make Nani's Clima-Tact Stronger! Not to mention my slingshot! Maybe even do something with Stall whip
So where is everyone else?
Zoro: Luffy and the others are still inside, and Robin went off by herself.
They walked up to the snake
Usopp: The snake's still conked out huh?  He must really be tired.
Zoro: You'd be too if you danced for four days straight.
Usopp:I wonder what they are happy about.
Zoro:Anyway I hope they come out soon. When he wakes up, I don't know how friendly he'll be.
Usopp: Huh who? This well-mannered snake?
Zoro: Easy for you to say. You didn't see him when he was mad. He's dagouse.
Usopp: Who? This well-mannered snake?
Zoro: Like I said, you didn't see him. Just wait till he tries to eat you. You'll see what! A pain he can b3.
Usopp: Who? This well-mannered snake?
Zoro: Usopp, are even listening to me?
Usopp: Laughs. It was the dial.
Zoro: Stop being so stupid!
Usopp: Me stupid. But you're the one who got fooled! Ha! Ha!
Sanji: What the. I thought Luffy ate too much.
Nami: What I thought you said we were close.
Luffy: There! I told ya!
Nami: Wow! Is it...?
Sanji: Yup the real deal!
Chopper: It's a bell just like the ones the big monkeys showed us!
Luffy: There is so much stuff! And it's all ours.
They found the bell and couldn't understand the writing.
Chief: It is impossible to read.
Robin: We shall know the true meaning and utter it to no one. It's to our legacy to be the inheritors of his history, and we must protect it with the sounding of the grand belfry
Chief: Those words! How do you know them?
Robin: They were inscribed on a wall in the Shandora. Generations ago, your people were entrusted to be its guardians. Correct?
Chief: You can actually read those ancient characters?
Robin: It's mentionsPoseidonn an ancient weapon named after God. It even gives its whereabouts.
Man: but why would it say something like that?
Robin: Another weapon. One different from the pluton of Alabasta
Crocodile; pluton. Legend has it that it can completely obliterate an island with just one shot.
Robin: Mind] And to think there are dangerous things like this out there in the world all just wanting to be found! Just another dead end. This isn't what I was looking for or what I wanted to know.
Man: uh hey miss. Is the stuff engraved on the side part of the poneglyph too?
Robin: Gold. D. Roger! What?
Gold: I made it here and I will guide this passage all the way to the farthest ends of the earth. The stormiest seas will not stop me. Pirate Gold Roger.
The Pirate King? Then this could mean that he came to the sky island! But what in the world could his words mean? And more importantly, how was he able to understand and use this ancient language?
Gan: So it says Roger, does it?
Robin: You know him?
Gan: Ah yes a blue Sea pirate. I met him when he came to this land over 20 years ago. I take that his name is inscribed there.
Robin: Yes. Honestly, I have no idea how he managed to reach this bell but somehow he did. And this inscription is proof that he was here. Wait a minute now that I think about it. There are two kinds of poneglyph stones: ones that contain information, and the others that tell how to reach other ponglyphs scattered throughout the world. This stone obviously has information.
Could he could he mean the Rio Poneglyph? Chief. The ponegyph its duty has been fulfilled.
Chief: it's duty.
Robin: Yes. I have a hunch about these poneglyphs. As I said, there are certain ones spread across the world that contain information.  By reading them as one I believe they'll form a passage that will reveal the true history of the blank entry. In other words, the passage competed by connecting them is what will make up a legendary final poneglyph that's yet to be discovered. The Rio Poneglphy.
Gol D. Roger must have taken the text from the poneglyph here to the island where the Rio Poneglyph may very well be located. He must have
Chief: Does that mean our duty has been fulfilled as well?
Does that mean we don't have to fight any longer?
Then our ancestor's wish have been fulfilled? Thank goodness our war is finally over!
Robin: Well  I'd better get to fulfilling my duty. Like Roger before me, I have guided this passage, and the other ones I've read all the way to the grand Line, to the island to Raftel.
Gan: well, then where were we? I was about to tell you how much your friends in the straw Hat and Bandana scarf remind me of Roger. These two are interesting.
Robin: His name is Monkey D. Luffy and Her Name Is Stella. And I find them interesting as well.
Gan: D? So the lad even shares the same middle initial as Roger.
Laughs. What about the girl
Robin: Yes. And don't fully know if she has a last name or just won't say.
I'm sure there's got to be some historical significance or that.
Chief: Pardon me, Miss. But I recall you and your friend saying you sought gold. And didn't you say it was more valuble than vearth on the Blue Sea?
Robin: Yes
Chief: We obviously can't offer you the belfry but how about the broken support?
Robin: Uh. Thanks! But are you sure about that? 
Chief: Uh-huh.
They were planning to help move it.
Robin: Come on, Robin. We can't wait too long. [Stomach growls]
Sanji: There's not a soul in sight. I've gotta admit this is pretty weird. Wonder where all those angles and warriors ran off to and why.
Usopp: Hey, be thankful they're gone!  Trust me, if they see us making a run for it with all the loot we pulled from their favorite giant snake, well they're not gonna be too thrilled!  Nami and Conis probably already have the ship ready to sail by now so Robin better hurry and get back here quickly! We gotta go!
Luffy: I'm hungry Sanji got any food?
Sanji: Hope all the food on the ship.
Luffy: You've gotta have something too much on right? Come on gimme something
Zoro: I've had enough! I'm tired of just sitting around. You guys can wait for her I'm gonna go to the ship.
Usopp: Moron
Luffy: Jerk!
Sanji: What are you
Chopper: Stupid head!
Chopper was the first one knocked out. Stella had to pick him up
Usopp: Hey, look! It's Robin!
Sanji: Hi hot stuff.
Luffy: Hey! Robin! Hurry up! Robin! We gotta leave!  We stole some gold!
Sanji: Stop it! Look you moron! Right behind them, They can hear you, too!
Chopper: It's an army!
Usopp: Oh, no! Not good! The big thing can only be one thing!
Chopper: What
Usopp: A cannon!
Zoro:Just our luck they'd all come back at once.
Luffy: Robin! Get the lead out! We've gotta get back to the ship now!
Check out the gold! I bet we found every piece on the island, huh?
The Group was telling them to wait
Sanji: Oh great! Here they come!
Luffy: Run!
Usopp: Well. I guess it's up to me to handle this one.
Stop? Stop, you say?
Luffy: yeah! You tell then Usopp!
Usopp: We risis ked life and limb to come to this island in the sky
Luffy: Yeah we did!
Usopp: And then we found the city of gold! So you think we pirates are leaving
Sanji: Hurry my sweet Robin
Usopp: Empty-handed, you've got another thing coming!
Man: Cpature them? What's he talking about?
Man2: You ane your friemds want this gold, right?
Robin: Chucklesm I guess we don't!
Crowd: What?
Robin started to run.
Luffy: Let's Go!
Chopper: I can't turn around! I know they're chassing us!
Stella: Welp here you go.
She picks up chopper so he can see them
Usopp: Zoro did you see me take care of them back there?
Zoro: Yeah! Not bad!
Sanji: Hey Robin! Better hurry up!
Crowd: hey wait come back
Luffy: Don't stop untill we reach Cloud End!
Group: Aye!
For now this the only epeiosde today until Tomorrow and the weekend I probably won't post. Maybe. Until next time my friends.

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