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"His Majesty requests your presence in his conference room."
Is a sentence I've heard more times in my life than I can count. I was sitting on a cushioned bench near my window, admiring the bright city of Anglow, when a servant opened my door and informed me my father had sent for me once more. I couldn't help but wonder what it is my father deems important enough to discuss. Perhaps he found out about my late night trips to the more questionable markets in the city. Maybe he just thought a lesson was in order. Though hearing wasn't much of a shock, it was quite late.

As quickly as he entered, he disappeared. I got off the cosy bench and walked towards the door. Ignoring the fact I'm still in my training leathers I exit into the white marble halls. Admiring the engraved columns and spaces, the great marble beasts stare right back at me. Down the many stairs and around the halls I go until I reach the large ebony doors and knock with the lion engraved knockers. Irina opens the doors for me. My sister is sent here seldom, I'm always the one getting called here for my "unladylike" behaviour or for my royal duties. My father sits at the blackwood desk.
"Come, sit.", he ushers. Still confused, I sink into the soft leather seat across from him. Irina does the same at my side.

"As you know, Valeska, the other territories want ownership over our gold and coal mines." Aemisha surprisingly does have an abundance of ores. Though not many things grow here. We have to ship in wood and most food from Thassela and Fiadharran. I didnt really appreciate him explaining it to me as if I was slow.
"Tenebria specifically is the kingdom I'm most worried about", he continues. "Since they have no ores of their own, for such wealth they would go to extreme measures, and you know how powerful their kind is." He leans towards me. "We wouldn't want that, would we now?"

"No, of course not, father", I agree, my brows furrowing with fake worry. I knew we haven't been in their good graces since the great war, but i didn't really think they would go to war over things like coal, gold or something of the sort.

"Well, that's why I would like to send Irina to smooth things out in their court. Perhaps marry her off to prince Keiran as a peace offering", he suggests and my stomach rolls over. I immediately regret my earlier dinner. "Though I doubt they would even want her, those creatures have no order, they care not for marriage. And I wouldn't give my sweet Irina to such lowlife", he adds looking over at Irina, which calms me only slightly.

"Why, then, would you even send her to such a place?", I question without thinking. Which I never do. My words are always well thought out, no matter the pressure put on me. But him bringing Irina into his politics is unacceptable. Bringing me into it at an early age was bad enough, but someone had to take mothers place. And Irina was far too young. She still is. She hasn't even fully matured yet. And I refused to even think about what they might do to her. "Why not send me?"

"We both know she is much more of a lady than you ever were."

He's right about that. Irina's always been enough of a lady for the both of us. Which is exactly why I couldn't let him send her there. Tenebria is only spoken of in tales that are meant to scare children. Even then, the folk rarely speak of it. Afraid Gaia will curse them, as she did the Tenebrian folk.
"And they would never suspect her when she kills the King and the princes." My heart drops at that, and clearly Irina's does as well. Her expression is that of pure terror. I managed to mask mine but the words still come out.
"Father, you cannot be serious."
Oh, he was. But I couldn't allow that. Irina is a sweet girl, untainted by the evils of the world. She's not made for such a wild and barbaric place. And I know she wouldn't be able to handle such a task. Peace keeping, yes. But I knew she wouldn't be able to kill. I wouldn't be able to allow it either, I wouldn't be able to stand that blood forever staining her hands and soul. The grief I would have to witness her go through, without being able to help. I wouldn't let her go through what I did.

"I will go", I say "Irina couldn't do that, she isn't capable. She's a sweet girl made for being a lady, not an assassin. I am trained and prepared to encounter the horrors of the place. What would happen if she was attacked? Please father, you must consider it."

Even if commanding the king he must do something was a horrendous idea, he does. My breath catches. The seconds feel like millennia. "I suppose you are right about that", he says finally. My heart resumes its beating, and I draw in a much-needed breath. I hadn't even realised I was holding it. "But how will you coax them into trusting you? Will you throw knives, or do archery to entertain them?" He sometimes forgets how good I am at getting what I want. I look closer than others. I know exactly when and what to say. "I will tell them what they want to hear", I say simply. It's exactly what he wanted to hear, which proves me right. With a slight twitch of his mouth he says: "We will discuss your trip in time." Irina's gratitude is plastered all over her face. While I am content with the outcome of things, I school my face into a calm and rise slowly. "Thank you, your Majesty." I bow a shallow bow and withdraw.

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