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Top : Yoongi
Bottom : Jimin



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"My Lord, please forgive me. It was surly not my intent to-"

"QUIET! " The King's voice rung throughout the throne room, startling, not only his servant, but his guards as well. "Who do you think you are? " The King spoke with authority, his anger seeping through gritted teeth as he stared down the other; his property.

"Did I give you the 'ok' to leave this castle? Did I-ME-specifically give you the RIGHT to tell foot OUTSIDE those doors!? "

His servant was quiet for a moment, a sniffle sounding as he was trying to hold back tears. "N-no my L-" Words cut him off in an instant. "What's my name to you boy?! "

The servant gulped. "Master."

In all honesty, the servant just wanted to look at the flower and to get a little fresh air. He knew the consequences if his master were to have found out, but he just couldn't help it.

His number one rule; never go outside unless given the right.

"You know what I'm gonna do with you, Jimin? " Jimin, his servant, or moreover a slave, stayed silent, but he knew very well. "I'm gonna make sure tonight that you regret ever stepping through those doors. " His voice seemed dark, seething in absolute anger as he spoke.

He stood from his throne, walking down the steps and slowly toward Jimin who stood there silently. Jimin was scared, but knew if he tried to protest, his punishment would be far worse than what was about to occur.

The King stood mere inches from the smaller boy, looking down at him as if prey. "Walk, " was all he said. Jimin obeyed and walked out the throne room and to the King's chambers with the King following close behind.

Sweat began dripping down his forehead as they were getting closer. He knew this would be painful, it always was. Even if he asked, he knew Yoongi would decline him from going outside so he snuck out.

Yoongi has always been cold and heartless. Jimin swore there was no good in his heart and part of that was true. Jimin doesn't know much about the King's past, but he knew there was a reason of acting such a way.

Min Yoongi had so many other slaves in the past before he came along. They were all either scared or just wasn't good in bed. Once bored of them, Yoongi wouldn't just get rid of them-no-he'd kill them in front of his new slave, showing them that that's what's going to happen to them someday. No matter what you do, or how you act, he'll get bored of you and then kill you.

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